Prayer For Those In Despair

Loving and eternal Father, how we need You every minute of the day.. especially in times of trouble and moments of despair - but You are the God of all hope and our heavenly Comforter, and I pray that You would fill me with Your joy and peace in believing, which is the right of all Your children. I pray that my hope and trust in You may abound and multiply by the power of the Holy Spirit, dwelling in me.

I pray for Your blessing, protectionandencouragement in this increasingly harsh and cruel world.. and that Your comforting presence and perfect peace would replace any moments ofdespair,when my spirit is faint; my soul is downcast and imaginations of my mind start to overtake my rational thinking.

Guard and protect my mind I pray and may I learn to take every thought captive to Christ, so that I may rise above my problems and pain of life.. rather than dwelling on the difficulties, dangers and challenges of life. Thank YouFatherthat You are the One Who goes before me and has promised that You will never leave me nor forsakeMe. Help me to look to Jesus and rest in Him.. so that I will not be dismayed.. in Whose name I pray


Prayer To Overcome Despair
Heavenly Father, I pray that You would help me to overcome the negative feeling of despair that I often find myself to be falling into, when I am thinking about all that is going on in the world around me.. and yet I know that You have promised to go before and behind me - and be with me in all the problems and difficulties of life.

I pray that I may learn how to overcome the negative feelings of despair I have, when I start thinking about all my problems and how I am going to manage. Help me to look to Jesus to lift my weary spirit I pray for I know in my heart, that the only peace and rest to be found.. is in You.

Keep me I pray from becoming overwhelmed by feelings of despair but rather help me to look to Jesus as the anchor of my soul as soon as any negative thoughts start to enter my mind. May I learn quickly to take each thought captive to Christ, and give Him the cares and worries that cause me to fall into despair.

Help me I pray to anchor my thoughts on whatsoever is true, and good, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable, and help me to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise, so that all feelings of despair do not have a foothold in my heart this I ask in Jesus name,


LordI know that only You can give hope in despair, joy in pain and peace in a shattered heart, and I am in such desperate need and deepdespair..I just don't know which way to turn - and in mydesperationI am askingYouto help me. PleaseLordHELP Me and show me what to do. My life is in such a mess and everything that can go wrong has gone wrong - and I don't know what to do or which way to turn.

Please help me. I know that I cannot go on alone and I needYouto carry me through.. and I know the Bible says that You have promised never to leave me or forsake me and that Your arms are underneath me and all around me and that You are holding me tightly with Your righteous right hand. Thank You for that..

Show me what to do. Help me to get through this difficult time and turn my life around I pray..I am sorry for all my sins and know that I have no right to come to You forhelp..but I also believe that You have said that all who trust in Jesus as Saviour can come toYouto ask for help in time of need andLordI trust in You - I repent of all my sins and place my life and my future in Your hand and ask You to have compassion on me and lift me out of this pit of despair - and restore hope and joy and peace in my heart I pray this I ask in Jesus name,


Thank YouFatherthat You are a God Who is anever presenthelp in time of trouble.. and we come to You today knowing that there are many men and women who are living in deep despair, and who have lost their hope in life, and have no one to turn to for assistance.

Lordwe lift up each one toYou,and pray that You would reach out and give help and support to all who are despairing and in deep distress, for whatever reason it may be.

Lordwe ask You to pity those that are living a life that seems beset by insurmountable problems and who are desperately crying out in their heart for somebody and yet have notrealisedthat Jesus is the only One Who can give them the help they need in their despair.

Lord, only You can lift these despairing people out of their pit of desolation and set their feet on the road to life.. and so we pray that many would find their consolation in Jesus and discover that He is the true light at the end of their tunnel of despair and that He is the only One Who can turn their sadness into joy in Jesus name we pray,


Dear Lord Jesus, You are our ever-present help in times of trouble.. and our consolation and comfort, for in You are all the answers that we all need in our lives, which is why I come toYouto bring my friend before Your throne of grace as they seem to bespirallingdown to the point of despair.

Lord You know the problems and pain they are goingthoughin their lives, but it is so sad torealisethat they have almost lost all hope..and seem to have given up in desperation.. as nothing seems to be going right in their lives and so I ask that You would meet them at their point of need and provide help and encouragement so that they may come through this difficult period in their life, .

I pray that this feeling of desperation will soon pass and that they will be prevented from doing anything foolish, which might cause harm to themselves or cause harm to others. Pour out Your tender love and compassion on them I pray and send help to them speedily.. in their hour of need this I ask in Jesus name,


OhLordI feel pretty desperate over my deteriorating finances. I know that I have been careless with my money and unwise in some areas, but I have got to the point where I don't know what to door whichway to turn, and the future looks incredibly bleak.

PleaseLordhelp me to get throughthis difficult financial crisesin my life. I feel my situation is utterly hopeless. Help me to turn my life around and give me a fresh start I pray. God, my only hope is You and although I know that I do not deserve Your help, I ask that in the name of Jesus that You would hear my plea for help.. and guide me through this desperate time in my life.

I have been wrong to try to live my life relying on my own ability and cleverness and I confess that I have not trusted You as I ought and have followed the path that I thought best for me. Forgive me for my rebelliousness towards You and bring me through this feeling of despair and desperation I pray. Set my feet on the secure Foundation - and I will praise You forYou area faithful God. Thank YouLord


Loving Father I pray against the despair that I feel when life gets too difficult and ask that in Your grace You would replace any feelings of gloomy hopelessness with Your peace and joy in Jesus. I pray against the continuous storms of life thatseemsto drain our hope in You ..and leaves us storm-weary and worn-out, and yet I know that You have promised to supply us with Your sufficient grace, according to Your riches in glory.

I pray that when my mind is inturmoilthat You would help turn my eyes upon Jesus and look to Him.. and when doubts fill my mind that You would replace them with precious words of truth from the Holy Scriptures. Help me not to look at the visible circumstance, which can so quickly trigger a feeling of despair, but rather may Irecogniseand embrace Your wider purpose in my life which I know is to transform me into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus.

Thank You for Your many precious promises and I pray that may I not fear the unknown, knowing that You are an ever-present help in time of trouble and that You have promised to be with me.. in every area of life and in all circumstances. Thank You that You are my God and Saviour,


GodI need You if You are there please God help me. I feel just overwhelmed with a darkness anda despairthat seems to cover me like a shroud and stifles my breathing - I hurt Lord so deeply. Please help. I feel overwhelmed and perplexed and Lord I don't even know why I feel like this or even how to pray, but please Lord, I ask for You to help me and save me from being completely crushed in spirit and soul.

There is a Psalm about a good Shepherd and I need You to help me like a shepherd would help a sheep in difficulties - The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Please Lord, be my good Shepherd and help me I pray. Leadmyby the quiet waters and please restore my soul as You have promised.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Thank You that You have promised to be with me even when I am in deep despair and thank You that You are always there to comfort me and help me no matter what troubles and difficulties I am having to face.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Thank You that You have promised to supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory and thank You that there is nothing that is going on in my life that You do not know about and care about..

Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. ThankYouLord that Your mercies are new every morning Help me to trust You even when I feel alone because You have promised to be my good Shepherd and your promises never fail,


Dear Father God, the world is becoming so evil and cruel, and there are so many difficulties and dangers we are having to face.. and life is becoming so burdensome at times, that I find myself falling into despair - for fear of what is happening in the world today

Please look down on me and my loved ones. Bless us and protect us I pray. Pour out Your unconditional love on us all.. and fill our hearts with Your perfect peace and amazing grace.

Help me to hold on tightly to Your precious promises and help us all to be strong and very courageous. Thank You that You are theLord ourGod - Who goes before us and behind us and promises to be with us and to take away all our problems and heavy burdens.

Thank You that You have promised to be with us always even to the end of the age. Thank You that You have given us an assurance that You will NEVER ever leave us nor forsake us. Keep me I pray from falling into the trap of despair, for I know that there is nothing to be gained by it but rather help us not to fear or be dismayed, but to trust You in all things this I ask in Jesus name,
