Prayer For Those In Jail

Lord grant your mercy to free me from the things that have me bound. Lord I ask you to set me free from everything that has attached itself to me to cause me to be bound, both spiritually and physically.

Lord I ask you to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. As I walk out of those bars of confinement, let me never enter them again as an accused/guilty person. Wash me clean and make me whole. Help me to renew my mind to think like a free man. Help me to forget all the horrors I saw with my eyes and heard with my ears. Cleanse me of the filthiness of my surroundings. I thank you for the liberty in Christ Jesus. I thank you for receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Thank you for preserving my life to bring glory to your name. As I seek your face, satisfy my longings in your righteousness. Thank you in advance for a saved wife that you have prepared for me. Thank you for my children that aren't born yet. Thank you that I might be a man to bring glory to your name and upbuild the kingdom. In Jesus name, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I come to You with a heavy heart as my son has recently been sent to prison and has been separated from me and his family for many years.

Lord, I know that prisons can be such hard and cold places and pray that in Your mercy, You would look down on him in pity, and bring him I pray, to full repentance. Lord, draw him to Yourself, so that he comes to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus.

I pray that this experience will not embitter him, but rather will cause him to rethink his whole life, lighten the darkness in his soul, and bring him into Your family. Keep him safe I pray, knowing that prisons can be places of uncaring brutality and return him to us in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name I pray,


Lord, you know that some people that are behind bars are not criminals. Some are suffering in prison because of the gospel of Jesus. Lord, I ask you to strengthen them. Help them to continue fixing their eyes on Jesus' despite the hardships they face. May they see their life in prison as an opportunity for them to preach the Gospel to other inmates and lead them to your kingdom. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Dear God, your word says that we cannot be drawn to you unless the Holy Spirit convicts our hearts. Let your Holy Spirit convict the hearts of prisoners all over the world that they may draw near to you through the word. God, while we can only preach the gospel, you're the one who saves people. Break their hearts of stones and help them to know that you are the living God, no one is above you and nothing is too difficult for you. Thank you, Father, for answering my prayers. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Awesome God, have mercy on your children that have been incarcerated in prisons all over the world. Let your light shine upon them that they may turn their lives around for the better. May they know who you are and your mercies towards them irrespective of what they have done. Please give them the grace to manage prison life and help them to become the men and women that you created them to be for the glory of your holy name. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Oh Lord, so many men and women have been locked behind bars for breaking the law. Lord, we know that you do not hate them, but you hate the sins they committed. Father, touch their hearts and bring them to full repentance. Please help them to see prison as a place where they have been given another chance to change their lives and become better people in society and for the kingdom of heaven. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Father God, I lift everyone that is in prison into your able hands. Lord, they have not only broken the law, but they have sinned against you. Forgive them for going against your word. Life in prison is tough and most people, especially new inmates, are at the mercy of old inmates. But Father, we know that you are in charge of their lives and you will not let anyone hurt them. Cover them with your wings and keep them safe. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.