Prayer For Those In Pain


It seems so unfair the pain and suffering I see my child in. As a parent, it is gut-wrenching to see even the slightest heartache or sadness from my precious little one. During this time, I ask that you place a healing hand on my child's discomfort as well as my heart. I will work hard to remain strong and positive when in front of my child. They will not see me defeated or broken. I turn to you and ask that you lift her up.

In Jesus' name,


Beautiful One, I will not be discouraged by the pain I feel! No, even if outwardly I am perishing, inwardly I am being renewed each and every day. This temporary suffering is producing for me an everlasting weight of glory, far beyond any comparison. I look not to the things that I can see, but for things that cannot be seen for they are eternal. Lord, this pain is insignificant when I focus on You and Your glory, Amen.

Lord, I feel worn down by the pain in my back. It makes every small thing feel like a big deal. Please help me to manage this illness and continue to find time to rest and treat the pain. Most of all Lord please touch the area of discomfort and bring healing. Please flood the inflammation with warmth and bring the swelling down. Come release the muscles that are tight and bring your restoration.

May my waking hours be restful and my sleep be peaceful.

I ask all this in the name of Jesus, my Saviour and my friend.


God of Compassion, you willingly took on our human condition to experience the same pain, suffering and death that we do.

Through your Son's resurrection, you transformed suffering and death into new life and glory; and invite us to join our own pain and struggles to those of Jesus. Increase the faith and hope of all who are suffering, especially those living with chronic illness and pain. Strengthen and confirm in them the promise of new life and glory. We pray this through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes and in the name of your Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.


Holy Father,

The pain seems to never ending. As I sit here waiting patiently for release, I can't help but feel doubt and confusion. I want to banish these intrusive thoughts and instead be filled with your love! Help me to always trust in you. You have a plan for me and will heal this pain when the time is ready! I want to be overcome with the resilience to ward off the enemy in my time of pain. I ask for you to continue holding me as I work towards gaining undoubting trust in You.


Holy Father,

I simply cannot take this pain anymore. It is overcoming me like a powerful wave and taking all my energy to handle. Please anoint me with strength! I cannot get through this without you, and I turn to you in my time of need. I surrender myself to you. Please send your hands down to heal me! The smallest amount of movement is rendering me catatonic and I am feeling alone and helpless. I reach out to you today because I need comfort and a friend. I need rest. Nothing you lead me to is too hard for me to handle. I can get through this with the strength you give me.

In Jesus' Name We Pray,


Lord God,

I wish I could take away their pain. It is so hard to see them suffer and not know how to help. So I came before you God, our restorer, and our redeemer. I know that you took their pain upon yourself when you died on the cross. So I ask in your name for healing for them. Come now in the power of the Holy Spirit and restore this child of yours. I pray they no longer have to bear this weight on their shoulders. I pray that they also look to turn themselves to you during their time of struggling.


Lord, I feel worn down by reoccurring pain I have. It makes every small thing feel like a big deal. Please help me to manage this illness and continue to find time to rest and treat the pain. Most of all Lord please touch the area of discomfort and bring healing. Please flood the inflammation with warmth and bring the swelling down. Come release the muscles that are tight and bring your restoration. May my waking hours be restful and my sleep be peaceful.

I ask all this in the name of Jesus, my Savior and my friend.
