Prayer For Those In Need

Holy Father, we know that You love us with familial love and that You have secured us as Your adopted children by the blood of Christ. We ask You now to grant us wisdom as parents to raise the children You have given us. Help us to raise them up in love, train them in righteousness, demonstrate Your example, and discipline them in wisdom. Help us to lead these children to Jesus. Amen.

God, my Fortress, we entrust our lives to You, knowing that You are good and gracious. We ask You to place Your blessing on us in our living situation. Please grant us a safe and stable home, where we may serve and worship You. Help us to remain content in all of our circumstances, and to remember that Your own Son Jesus had nowhere to lay His head. Let Your will be done, Lord. Amen.

Great Physician, this family is gripped with infirmity and health problems. We turn to You, our God, to provide healing and restoration. Please heal this family and help us to be spiritually strong while we are physically weak. Let Your healing touch give us all that we need in this time of trouble. We trust that Your grace is sufficient. Amen.

Dear God, this family is struggling to find gainful employment. I know that this is not a problem too big for You to solve. Lord, if it be Your will, please grant an opportunity to find consistent work. Open a door for a job that would honor You and provide resources for this family. Help us to be thankful for each opportunity to earn money, and to use each one wisely as if we were working directly under Your supervision. Thank You for Your provision. Amen.

Blessed Creator, You teach us in Your Word that Your children have no need to be anxious because You know all of our needs even before we ask You. We know that there is no reason for us to worry about what we will eat tomorrow. Yet, You tell us that it is a righteous thing for us to ask You to provide. God, we now ask You to supply our needs according to Your limitless resources. Please grant us enough food to eat and help us to be thankful for every bit. We praise You for Your generosity. Amen.

Dear Lord,
I pray for my friend right now. I pray that you will help them with the struggles they are going through in this season. For you know exactly what they need in this moment. Draw near to them and let them feel your presence. Open their eyes, ears, and hearts to you. Help them have the discernment to hear your voice as you lead them in their next steps. Speak to them as they read your word and bring verses of encouragement and comfort to their attention. I pray that you will calm any fear or anxiety they may be feeling. Replace it with the confidence to obey your word and to trust you. I pray that your guidance will be clear to them from this day forward. In your name, I pray. Amen.

My God, please hear me. This family is under threat, and the trial is more than we can bear on our own. We need Your supernatural support to build us up in strength. Please supply us with the fortitude that we need to press on through the trial while seeking to obey You and Your righteous commands. Help us to be strong in a way that will stand out to others, and in a way that will shine a light on Your gospel. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Dear God,

I know, that I have lots of needs. And I know that your aware of those issues in my life. And that's my I am not worried about it anymore.

But now all my prayers are for all other people that they really need your help. Please help them to heal their pain,sickness,loneliness and their sufferings. I am begging for your love and compassion to the poor,homeless,disables and to all pregnant woman. I also pray for all the unborn children keep them safe and alive. Please protect them in any harm and dangers in their mother's woumb.

In Jesus name you son
