Prayer For The Old Aged

Lord, you know our weakness and our sinfulness -
teach us how short our life is,
so that we may become wiser.Lord, have pity on them,
fill them each morning with your love
that they may praise you and be glad.
O Lord, bless them and prosper them;
in the name of Jesus our redeemer. Amen.

Father, we pray that You would soften our hearts to our elderly neighborsthat you would stir us to love them in both word and deed. Spirit, move us toward action, help us to slow down, to take the time to offer care and assistance to our elderly neighbors for whom daily life has become a struggle. Amen

Though knowest better than I know myself
that I am
growing older and will some day be old.
Keep me from the fatal
habit of thinking I must say something on every subject
and on every occasion.
Release me from craving to straighten out
everybody's affairs.
Make me thoughtful but not moody;
helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom, it seems a
pity not to use it all,
but Thou knowest Lord that I want a few
friends at the end.amen

Gracious God, we ask you to bless especially your children who have grown old. When they can no longer care for themselves, send them loving caretakers who appreciate their wisdom and the richness of their experience. Send your angels to keep them safe as long as they live and to lead them home to you when their work is done. Bless the families of the elderly with insight and good judgment. We pray in the name of Jesus.

Lord of love, thank you for everything and yes to all that is to come. Bless and comfort every older person, remove fears and loneliness..may they feel your powerful but gentle closeness. Nothing we say or do can add to your heavenly glory. Lord of love and mercy, forgive our poor faith. May we be with you, as you are with us always and forever. Amen

Loving Heavenly Father! Thank You for the life You have given me and thank You for sustaining and guiding me hitherto. Yes Lord! But for You I could not have come thus far. Thank You for being with me.Lord! I'm now so weary and tired and I do not want to be a burden to my dear ones. So strengthen me Lord as You strengthened Caleb and keep me in robust health till my appointed time on this world. Help me to bear fruits for You even at this age Master!Let me be a model to the Younger ones! Hold my hands Lord and lead me gently! Fill me with peace, joy and contentment so that I can always reflect Your love and compassion!Lord! Help me to use all the time I have now, only for Your glory! Strengthen my prayer life and keep me as a channel of blessing to others. Thank You for Your assurance that You will carry me to my old age, will bear me and deliver me. I lean upon You Master and I derive strength from Your word. I claim good health and fruitful life from Your hands. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

All Gracious God, you have given me all I am and have, and now I give it back to you to stand under Your will alone. In a special way I give You these later years of my life. I am one of those called by You into old age, a call not given to all.

Lord, you have always been our refuge: before you created the hills, before you brought the world into being, you are God from all time - and you will be God for ever; a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday, already gone. We are like flowers that spring up in the morning, bloom in the afternoon and die in the evening:
Lord, you know our weakness and our sinfulness -
teach us how short our life is,
so that we may become wiser.

We pray for those who know their days are numbered, and for those whose strength is fading; we remember those whose later years are passing by those and who are weak, or in trouble or sorrow:
Lord, have pity on them,
fill them each morning with your love
that they may praise you and be glad.

Give them as much happiness as they have had sadness; let them see your strength, and your blessing upon those they love:
O Lord, bless them and prosper them;
in the name of Jesus our redeemer. Amen.