Prayer For The Oppressed

Heavenly Father, I call to You in the Name of Jesus, my High Priest. I submit to Your will. I invite Your Spirit to search and convict me of any sin (confess any sin the Holy Spirit brings to your mind before continuing). Thank You for Your forgiveness and cleansing. I put on Your breastplate of righteousness. I ask You, on my behalf, to expose all schemes that Satan has ever devised against me, through any source, at anytime. I ask You, Holy Spirit, to bring into light the powers of darkness that may oppress me. Amen

Jesus. I come to You, my Lord, as the Father who holds all things: past, present and future. I know You see all, and know all, of the things that affect the life You have granted me. I thank You, Jesus, for coming to destroy the devil's' work of oppression. I stand on the truth of Your word and covenant asking for Your forgiveness in every area where I opened myself up to the voices of oppression. Please wash me with the blood of Christ and heal me with the stripes of Jesus. Amen

Lord, You are my refuge from the oppressor
Deliver me from the wicked that would oppress me and from my deadly enemies that would surround me
Deliver me from oppressors that seek after my soul
Break in pieces the oppressor
I rebuke and cast out all spirits of affliction, sorrow, and anything attempting to bring me low in the name of Jesus
Leave me not to my oppressors
Let not the proud oppress me Deliver me from the oppression of men
I rule over my oppressors. Amen

Lord, hear my prayer!Let my cry reach you! Don't hide your face from me in my time of trouble!
Listen to me! Answer me quickly as I cry out! Because my days disappear like smoke, my bones are burned up as if in an oven;my heart is smashed like dried-up grass.I even forget to eat my food because of my intense groans.

Judge eternal, bringer of justice,
hear the cry
of those who suffer under the lash of heartless political oppression;
those who languish in prisons and labour camps, untried or falsely condemned;
those whose bodies are shattered,
or whose minds are unhinged by torture or deprivation.
Meet them in their anguish and despair,
and kindle in them the light of hope,
that they may find rest in your love,
healing in your compassion a
nd faith in your mercy.
In the name of him who suffered,
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Gracious God, today I am encouraged to pray for my leaders in light of Psalm 72. So I bring before you President Obama and his administration, the members of the U.S. Senate and Congress, those who serve as judges, Governor Perry and his administration, the Texas legislature, Judge Schroeder and the commissioners of Kendall county, Mayor Schultz and the members of the Boerne City Council.

I ask that you give all of these leaders compassion for the weak and needy. Show them how best to translate this compassion into political policy. Where they have the opportunity to redeem people from oppression and violence, guide them by your wisdom.

In this vein, I pray especially for President Obama and those who advise him. In a world filled with oppression and violence, they must decide in what ways to use the power of the United States, including our military forces. Help them to be good stewards of the power you have entrusted to them.

All praise be to you, King of kings and Lord of lords. Amen.

Almighty God, who hast created us in thine own image: Grant us grace fearlessly to contend against evil and to make no peace with oppression; and, that we may reverently use our freedom, help us to employ it in the maintenance of justice in our communities and among the nations, to the glory of thy holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

O God, I place before You my weakness, my helplessness and the little esteem that people have of me. O Most Merciful God, You are Lord of the Oppressed and You are my Lord.