Prayer For The Overwhelmed

Oh holy Father,
I seek you as I feel completely overwhelmed. I do not have the time or energy to sustain myself. Everything tells me there is too much to do.I rise up strong again, in CHRIST. I face the world, my path straight and firm, with faith in your Son Jesus.
In his great name I pray,

Father, I don't understand why you're allowing me to go through these challenging circumstances. I don't know why you've allowed me to be pressed on every side and overwhelmed by the waves of life.
But what I do know is that you are good and loving and faithful. I know that nothing can get to me without first going through you. And I know that you are working all things together for my good and your glory.

Father, even I know how to give good gifts to children, and I'm a sinful human. You are perfectly good and loving, and I thank you that you will give me good, sweet gifts. I thank you that your heart beats with Fatherly affection for me. I thank you that nothing can separate me from your intense, Fatherly love. Amen

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask that you send the Holy Spirit to bring to my attention very quickly when the enemy is attacking. Help me to be able to stand my ground and claim the authority given to me through Jesus's death and victory on the cross and my acceptance of it. I have applied the blood to myself and to my household, and I know that we have authority over evil.I know it's nothing of my own authority, but the authority of your name.

Father, I do not see a way out of
the burden I feel, but I put all
my faith and trust in You for a
path to open up, that new opportunities and new
relationships will grace my life.
Give me strength, to overcome these
negative feelings and to get
all the task that I have to do,
completed efficiently, effectively,
and on time!
Calm my mind, give me
peace, as I recollect all the tasks
I need to complete. And, help me not
to forget to praise You in the midst
of this chaos.
Give me patience to be still and
remember that you are GOD and You
will make all things work together
for my good.
Everything that happens to me happens for a reason to make me stronger.
I pray to you in the name of your son,
Jesus Christ.


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for revealing my weaknesses in trying to carry the burden and stress of my situation. Forgive me for trying to handle it all on my own and for allowing it to consume and rob me of my peace. I know that anxiety, fear, worry, and anger are not Godly reactions.

Father, my emotions teeter on the edge when things don't go smoothly, and I find my thoughts, and my heart are being pulled in multiple directions. Instead of approaching each event individually, I simply react to them as a whole with no resolve. I want to run away from the problem instead of facing it head-on.

Give me the wisdom and clarity to see the solution to things. Equip me with patience, wisdom, love, compassion, and guidance to be able to overcome and move forward. When I am tempted to run away and hide, I pray that your heavy conviction would be upon me, so I heed your voice and instruction.

Help me to seek refuge and strength in your Word and to gain the right perspective over my situation. I pray that your scripture would refresh my spirit.

Father, forgive me when I try to protect myself from life's trials, and I forget that your truth is the ultimate solution to overcome. I give you my anxiety about things I cannot change. Forgive me for not trusting in you enough to give it all to you, Lord. You are my protector and the one who watches over me.

Help me to invest in myself by reading your Word and spending time in prayer. By doing this, I will be able to handle the chaos of unplanned events better. Restore my mind, my heart, my body, and my soul Father.

Thank you for your mercy and saving grace precious Lord.

I pray these things, in Jesus' holy name, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Look upon me with your eyes of mercy. Lay Your healing hand upon me, letting Your life-giving power invade every cell of my body to the depths of my soul; cleansing, purifying, and restoring me to strength for work in Your kingdom.

Lord, when my heart is overwhelmed, overwhelm me with Your peace. Lead me to You, my rock. Guide me to Your Word which gives me strength and refuge. Help me not to run to lesser things. Draw me to run to You first. Help me get into the habit of taking my overwhelmed and placing it under your will. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.