Prayer For The Nations Of The World

Lord, we are living in times where people do not have love for one another. Most people have chosen to put their selfish interests above the interests of our nation. Lord, uproot these people from government positions and replace them with people who revere you. Appoint people who will encourage us to love one another. Let your unconditional love overflow in our hearts that we may also pour it on each other. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father, we know that You are the Lord and God Who appoints and removes those in authority. Father, we bring before You our own nations and pray that You would raise up and put down those men and women in our own nation that will further Your plans and purposes in our nation and throughout the wider international perspective.

Give wisdom we pray, to all those that You have appointed to be the governors and rulers of our own nation in particular and throughout the whole world in general. Give us wisdom to understand the times in which we live, and prepare us for all that we may have to face in the in foreseeable future.

Loving Lord, we know that there are many places of darkness and wickedness. Many nations that have adopted an anti-God agenda and that many of Your children are living in nations that are facing severe persecution and dangers. Thank You, that He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world, and we pray for all our brothers and sisters throughout the nations that are facing any from or persecution, because of the faith in Jesus Christ. Give them courage and uphold each one with the power of You might right hand.

Lord, we know that the nations in general and the leaders that You have placed in control are for the most part turning their backs on the true and living Way, and progressing the people in their lands down a path towards Your wrath and their destruction.

Look down in pity on all peoples throughout the nations. Search the hearts of all people we pray, and draw those that are seeking You into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pity the people of the nations, and we pray that despite the mounting grief and tragedy in so many places on earth, that Your will be done, and that You would save many people form the jaws of death and destruction by the might of Your power. Lord, You are our God and we trust You. Shall not the God of all the world do right? Yes indeed, praise Your holy name,


Father, You alone are the almighty God Who is abounding in mercy and loving-kindness. Father, You have shown great patience and long-suffering to so many people down through the centuries and yet we know that Your justified and perfect wrath will one day fall on the nations of this world if we continue to disobey Your laws and turn our backs on the God of our Salvation and His anointed Christ and Saviour Son.

Lord, we have strayed far away from Your ways and have become like a flock of straying sheep without a shepherd. Lord, we have become a rebellious people and we have followed the devises and desires of our own hearts and indulged in the sinful lusts of our fallen flesh. We are not worthy to be called your children. Lord, we confess that we have offended a holy God and we have disregarded Your holy ways. We have been quick to follow in the paths of unrighteousness and have wandered far away from the road of righteousness, that You in Your grace have designed for us to walk in, and Lord, there is no health in us, nor do we deserve Your pity or Your kindness.

But Lord, You have proved down through the centuries that You are a forgiving God and a God of tender-kindness. Slow to anger and of great long-suffering mercies. Oh Lord, we confess our faults and failings, our sins and our rebellions prideful hearts and we pray that You would restore us.

Forgive us Lord, and teach us Your ways. Raise us up again to be a nation that loves and trusts You, and Lord, we pray that one day very soon, You would send You Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to come and take up His eternal rule on earth. Lord, we pray for that day when the earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.

Lord, in Your justice remember mercy we pray. Pity Your creation and draw many out of the miry clay back into Your arms of loving forgiveness. In Jesus' name,


Lord, there are so many decisions that our leaders have to make daily. These decisions, Father God, make or break our nation. Lord, help our President and other leaders to make decisions that will benefit all of us. Prevent them from making selfish decisions that will ruin the peace and growth of this nation. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

You, LORD, rule over the nations: Psalm 22:28(ESV) Who will not fear you, O King of the nations? Jeremiah 10:7(ESV) You sit on the throne, giving righteous judgment; Psalm 9:4(ESV) judge the world therefore with righteousness, and judge the peoples with uprightness. Psalm 9:8(ESV)

Lord, hasten the time when you will make wars cease to the end of the earth; Psalm 46:9(ESV) when nation shall no more lift up sword against nation, nor kingdom against kingdom, but swords shall be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks, and they shall not learn war anymore. Isaiah 2:4(ESV)

Make kings foster fathers, and their queens nursing mothers, to the Israel of God. Isaiah 49:23(ESV)

And in the days of these kings, let the God of heaven set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, Daniel 2:44(ESV) even the kingdom of the Redeemer. And whatever purposes there are in men's minds, Lord, let your purposes stand, Proverbs 19:21(ESV) and fulfill the plans of your heart to all generations. Psalm 33:11(ESV)

Lord, I come to You today because I am heart-broken by the things I see happening in the nations today and I place my trust in You, my refuge and my fortress. I declare that the weapons of the enemy are disarmed and dismantled in the name of Jesus! I come against every principality, power and ruler of darkness in the name of Jesus! Father,thank You, for (Ps.33:12) Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,the people He has chosen as His own inheritance. I'm claiming Your promise to us Lord, for You said (2 Chr:7:14) If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land. I declare that (Is.60:18) Violence shall no longer be heard in our land, neither wasting nor destruction within our borders; but we shall call our walls Salvation, and our gates Praise.

I pray that Your people will see, hear and feel the way You do; that they would be heart-broken for what breaks Your heart and turn to You with all their heart, weeping, mourning, fasting and praying for revival in their land. I declare Shalom in this nation because You are the Lord that will give strength to Your people, and You are the Lord that will bless Your people with peace. Thank You, for Your promises are yeah and amen. Your word says (Ps.89:15-18) Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance. In Your name they rejoice all day long and in Your righteousness, they are exalted. For You are the glory of their strength and in Your favour, our horn is exalted. For our shield belongs to the Lord, and our king to the Holy One of Israel.

Your word is true, Father and I trust in it. Thank You for what You have done, what You are doing and what You're about to do. Thank You for changing the mindsets of the people in every nation and that Your perfect love will cast out every fear and replace it with faith in You, Jesus! I thank You for giving me a heart of compassion and for being my Intercessor, Advocate and my Comforter. I confess all these things to be done in Jesus' mighty name! All the honor and glory belongs to You, God. I love You and I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that JESUS IS LORD over every nation because Jesus is the HOPE OF NATIONS!..Amen.

Lord, I know that the nation whose God is the Lord is a blessed nation indeed, and yet I know that the nations in general and my own nation in particular, have turned their backs on You who made us and redeemed us with the precious blood of Your only begotten Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.

We have failed miserably as we sought to live our lives apart from You. We have fallen deeper into moral decay and degenerated into a spiritual void that only You can lighten and heal. Convict us Lord both individually and nationally of our need to turn to You, for You alone are the answer to our shocking downward spiral. I pray that individually and nationally we may turn from our sins, repent of the way that we have walked away from the fountain of life and carved our stagnant cisterns in the putrefying rocks-pools of fallen humanity. May we look to Jesus as our health and healer, for there is no health in us.

Look down in pity on us, for we are lost and miserable offenders, who deserve not your pity but Your judgement. Create in us a clean heart, with purified thoughts and a penitent disposition. Father, we do not deserve Your mercy but Lord, I plead Your pity over our hopeless nations and pray that You would restore to us the joy of our salvation, according to Your great mercy and loving-kindness. Help us all to repent, return and remember all that Christ has done on the cross of Calvary for every member of the human race. Lord, turn the hearts of sinners to their Saviour so that they may be delivered from this sin sick world. In Jesus' name,


Dear God,

As we face these uncertain times in our nation and the world, we ask you, Lord, to dwell among us. We are comforted by the knowledge that You alone are our Savior and Lord, and the ultimate Master of life. We trust our nation to Your loving care, Lord. Send Your Spirit to touch the hearts of our nation's leaders. Give them the wisdom to know what is right, and the courage to do it. Give us Your light and Your truth to guide us in our ways so that we may seek Your will in our lives and impact the world around us for Your Kingdom. In Jesus' Name we pray.
