Prayer For The Nations Scripture

Lord, Your blessing has been upon this nation and I thank You for your kind mercies! But Your Word says the blessed nation is the one whose God is the Lord and our nation has turned from You. God, on behalf of myself and my people, I confess our disregard of You. Bring Your people to repentance and let this nation once again be one who calls You Lord.amen

Lord, I come to You with this prayer for our land. You promise that when your people pray, humble themselves, and seek You, You will hear and answer. You even promise healing in the land. Lord, our land needs healing and I believe it starts with me. I humble myself before You right here, right now. I'm seeking Your face. I ask You to grant me a repentant spirit so I may be an instrument that ushers in Your blessing for this nation.

Heavenly Father, there are so many plans that people in this nation have made individually and corporately. But Father, your word says that only your plans will stand forever. We know that we are in this nation because you placed us here for such a time as this to accomplish your plans. Lord, let your plans stand forever, and may your purpose for this nation stand firm through all generations. We thank you, and we honor you for without you this nation is nothing. In Jesus' name will be live and pray, Amen.

Father God, we come before your throne as a nation today to thank you for our beautiful land. Thank you for our leaders and everyone that you have placed in this country. Father, let your will be done in this nation as it is in heaven. May the people that are in leadership run this country according to your will. May we treat each other according to your will Father God. When we stray, Father, forgive us and show us the right way to go. Help us to be a nation that pleases you until the second coming of Christ. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.

Oh God,You so loved the world that You gave Your one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life. We stand amazed at the fullness of Your love. We declare that all the earth will be filled with an awesome awareness of Your glory like the waters cover the sea. You have spoken this and we believe it will come to pass. Your word tells us that there will be a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing in front of Your throne and in front of the Lamb. And they will shout, Salvation comes from our God on the throne and from the Lamb! We confess that every person, tribe, nation, people and language will acknowledge that You are God of the nations and Your Son, Jesus Christ, is the liberator for all people. We confess people will be saved throughout the world.

Father, empower us by Your Holy Spirit so that we might fulfill the passion of Your Son. Unite, the church of Jesus Christ in all nations, so that the world will know the full measure of Your love. Holy Spirit, turn our attention to the task at hand so that we might make disciples of all nations. We ask You to call out and send forth a great multitude of workers to bring Your message of salvation to every nation, especially those nations that have yet to hear the message of Your great salvation and delivering power. Fill us with Your unconditional love, so that we can see each person as a new creation in Christ, destined to bring You glory.

"Lord, forgive the Body of Christ for pride, competition, division, isolation, arrogance and selfish ambition that destroy Your witness to our communities and to the nations of the earth. As the Body of Christ, Holy Spirit, we admit that we may grieve You from time to time and limit Your great power through our carnality and our selfishness. We confess that we have not loved the world as You love the world. We ask You to help us. Forgive us for disobeying Your command to compel people to come to You. Forgive us for diluting the Gospel and denying Your power. Remind all of us to forgive others; and help us to forgive.

Lead us not into temptation; but, deliver us from the evil one."

Father, we praise You as our God and King. We bless Your Name forever and ever. Everyday we will bless You and praise Your name forever. You are great and most worthy of praise. Your greatness is beyond discovery. Father, we thank You for teaching us how to pray. We are grateful for the freedom to worship You, our God. Thank You for sending Your son, Jesus Christ, for the redemption of all humankind. We thank You for touching the believers from all nations of the world to pray. Thank You, Father, for giving us Your Spirit and unifying us. We praise You for hearing our petitions and answering them. You are wonderful and we bless Your Name