Prayer For The Needy

Dear Father, I rejoice in you for the opportunity to intercede and help children, especially the orphans. I pray that your comfort, grace, and wisdom mantle their hearts, and that they live out your dreams of a prosperous, victorious, glorious and excellent future that you've planned for them, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Father, our Creator and Heavenly Father,
We pray for all the orphans in this world,
Who have no parents,
Or who have parents who cannot care for them.
Father, watch over these children
And bless them with your great mercy and thanksgiving.

Comfort them when they are lonely,
Feed them when they are hungry,
Help them be educated, Father.
Heal them when they are sick or with fever,
And give these children good dreams and rest..
In the name of Jesus our Lord,
O Lord, our God. Amen.

Orphans and Needy Children Prayer
O Lord, my God, I come to you about children
Who need money to be sent to them for their care.
Touch the hearts of all of us to help these children.
Please make adoption easier, so that more of these
Children can be adopted and receive more love.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Loving Father, there is nothing that You cannot do and no one that is outside of Your sphere of knowledge. Your Word says that You defend the cause of widows and orphans, that you rescue the weak and needy and that You set the lonely in families.

I pray that You would work a mighty work in the lives of all those around the globe that are abandoned, orphaned or simply uncared for and provide for each of their needs according to Your riches in mercy and grace.

Raise up men, women and ministries that champion the cause of the defenceless and vulnerable. Be their rock of support, their fortress of safety, their shepherd and defender.

Protect the minds of those who have been exploited, and bring them to a knowledge of Jesus and also to a place of refuge, where they may learn of Your Father-heart of love for all those that are Your children. I pray this in Jesus' name,


Dear Lord Jesus, so many children around the world have become orphaned or abandoned for so many different reasons, and have never known the love of a mother or father for them. Lord, I know that You care for all people. but You have a special heart for little children and orphans.

Watch over these children and young people, I pray. Comfort them in their trials, and provide for them when they are in need. Educate them when they are abandoned, protect them from those that would take advantage of their vulnerabilities and heal the physical and emotional hurt that so many have had to face in their young lives.

And Father, I ask that in Your grace, You would draw near to each one and bring them into a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus. Meet each one at their point of need and cover them with Your grace. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Father in Heaven,

We pray for the poor of the world. Lord, you've asked us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Help us Lord to be obedient to your calling and live as your ambassadors.

Help our political leaders to understand the need for the right policies to tackle poverty. Save us from the wrong policy decisions that risks precious resources in wrong avenues.

Renew our hearts to care for the poor. Help the poor see the greater Hope and Joy that is in you, and help them see the Hope that is alive in you.

Lord, we pray for faster and long-lasting economic development which will empower the poor by improving their living standards. Lord, help us to utilize your resources in a optimum way to address the challenges surrounding poverty.

Lord, we thank you for your protection and abundant grace. Thank you for helping us be sensitive to the needs of this world and we pray that you will make us more and more like your son, so that we live a life of grace and charity.

In Jesus name we pray,


Lord, I know that you have given me so much. You provide a roof over my head. You provide me with an abundance of food on my table. I have friends and the opportunity to get an education. I have conveniences like computers, iPods, and iPads. You have blessed me in my life with so many things that I don't even know. How you keep me safe, how you protect those I love, how you give me an opportunity every single day to love you. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for these things. I do not know if I could handle any less, but I do know that you would be there beside me to give me strength just as you do now.

But Lord, there are so many other people who have so much less than I do. There are those that have no idea what life is like outside of depravity. There are those living every night on the streets, faced with dangers beyond my imagination. There are scary threats that face them every day, and every day is a struggle for them to live. There are those with health and psychological issues that cannot live normally that just need your protection. There are people that cannot seem to find their way through life that may not know how to hear you, but you can be there with them anyhow.

And Lord, I know there are people around the world starving. There isn't enough food to always go around. Water is contaminated and a commodity that some areas on the earth do not have. There are children dying every day from starvation. And there are those facing daily abuse from those they love or look up to. There are damages done to people every day psychologically, emotionally, and physically. There are girls oppressed in countries where they cannot study to grow out of their oppression. There are places where an education is such a privilege a majority of people never have the opportunity to learn. There are so many underprivileged people in the world, and I lift them all up to you.

I ask you, Lord, to intervene in these cases. I know that you have a plan, and I don't know what that plan is or why these bad things happen, but you say that the poor in spirit will inherit the kingdom of heaven. I pray that you will find a place for those that live thier lives underprivileged and suffering. I also pray, Lord, that you always give me a heart for those who have less, so that I always feel a need to do your work here. I pray that I can life those up and touch lives that need me.

In Your name, Amen.

we pray for the sick poor in our midst, whose dignity is often assaulted and who can be so vulnerable or even forgotten in being able to get adequate health care. O God, give them comfort in their sickness. Help us to hear their cries and come to their aid. Teach us to see with your eyes their tremendous dignity and to care for them as you care. Let us see in them your face, that through our solidarity with them they may experience your compassion, concern and love. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes and in the name of your Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. AMEN.

O GOD, Almighty and merciful, who heals those that are broken in heart, and turns the sadness of the sorrowful to joy; Let your fatherly goodness be upon all that you have made. Remember in pity those who are this day destitute, homeless, or forgotten by their fellow men. Bless the congregation of your poor. Uplift those who are cast down. For those who suffer innocently, I pray that you will sanctify their endurance of the wrongs worked on them, keeping their hearts free of bitterness. Cheer with hope all discouraged and unhappy people, and help those who are tempted into sin by their poverty; though they be troubled on every side, suffer them not to be distressed; though they be perplexed, save them from despair. Grant this, O Lord, for the love of him, who for our sakes endured poverty and blameless suffering, your Son, our Jesus Christ.
