Prayer For The Military

Everlasting God, thank you that your ear is always attentive to our prayers. Hear our prayer for our military veterans today. Give them clear minds and peaceful hearts as you bless them for their service to us. May your divine love spread throughout their soul, saturating their whole being that they may be built up in your likeness. Strengthen them through your limitless mercy and grace. Blessing and glory, wisdom and thanksgiving, honor, power and strength, be unto you our God forever and ever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

King of Kings, Lord of Lords, thank you that you are faithful to fulfill all your promises. You have promised that you will strengthen all who are weary. We ask that you would bless our military and increase their power. When they feel weary we ask that you would refresh their strength. When they feel isolated, we ask that you would give them the assurance that you are with them. We pray that their work and mission would be successful. May they be filled with all the fullness of God. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that you are constantly at work protecting your people. We pray for the protection of our armed forces as they serve our country around the world right now. Give them endurance and remind them that their service worthwhile. May they know that their service is appreciated by us. We thank you, Lord, for using the bravery of these men and women as part of your protection for us. We look forward to a day when this protection is no longer necessary as we live in perfect peace with you for eternity. In your mighty name, Amen.


We ask you to place your hand of protection and peace on the families of those who have sent a loved one to serve in the Armed Forces. In their absence, give the families at home provision for their needs and strength to manage their homes alone. Help them to trust You when they're tempted to give in to fear, to take their thoughts captive to Your truth and to rest in Your sovereignty and goodness. Comfort them in loneliness and anchor them in Your unchanging love. We ask You to use the adversity of distance for Your good -- to strengthen their marriages and to deepen the bonds of family. Help the children of parents who've been deployed to feel Your strong love, to know Your comfort, to develop endurance and to learn to trust You.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Thank you for the men and women who have stepped up to serve and protect our country. May they know the blessing of serving well. Thank you for your promise to never leave or forsake your people. We pray for the protection of our Armed Forces serving our country at home or abroad, whether in drills or in deployment. Keep from harm all those in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. Help them to be strong and courageous and do not let them be discouraged. Help them to feel Your presence. Help them to stay morally strong and free from untoward influence. Keep them healthy and free from sickness as well as injury. Guide them, be their eyes and their ears as they move about and carry out their order and missions.

Almighty God, Lord of Hosts, we call out to you as the One who is sovereign over all. Watch over and protect our nation's military members and their families. Sustain them with your everlasting arms. Take into your most gracious protection our service members currently deployed.

God our Father,
Maker and lover of peace,
To know you is to live,
And to serve you is to reign.
All our faith is in your saving help;
Protect us from men of violence
And keep us safe from weapons of hate.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Heavenly Father, bless and protect Military Chaplains and fill them
with the joy and courage of their vocation as personal ministers of
Christ in preaching your word and nourishing us with the Sacraments.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.