Prayer For The Missing

We lift our eyes to You, Heavenly and Most Gracious Father, from where our hope and help comes. You are the maker of heaven and earth. Today Lord, we cry out to You on behalf of those persons who are missing. We, their family and friends, anxiously and patiently await their safe return or just to hear news of their whereabouts.

O, Blessed Mother and St Joseph, you searched when your Son Jesus disappeared when he was twelve. You would not give up until he was found. You know the pain of having someone missing, and the joy of finding them, as you found your son. Pray for those who are searching now, to find the answers to their questions, and an end to their searching. May your example inspire people to be vigilant, so that their eyes and ears may see and hear news that will bring hope.

O Holy St. Anthony of Padua, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for me the return of all the missing children and adults from around the world. The answer to my prayer will require a miracle.

I am asking all to offer a prayer for the safe return of a young man who has been missing since a New Year's Party in Wexford. His family lives in my town here in Naas, Co. Kildare. I have just received a text message from one member of the search party asking for prayers. they have just completed 3 days of intensive searching and there are no signs of a lead anywhere.

We place the above intention into the Heart of Christ through the hands of His Most Holy Mother to be offered with love to God the Father Almighty. We pray also for those involved in the search that the Lord will continue to bless them with the strength and they courage they need at this time. Lord bless all those whose hearts are now much troubled and grant a positive outcome to the present events.

Loving God, the hope and protector of all humankind; bless those whose loved ones are missing. The agony of not knowing whether someone is living or dead is a daily torture. The uncertainty of life's future relationships hangs in limbo. Hope rides a roller coaster. Yet each day must be lived. Give unto your people the blessing of your grace that they may face each day with courage and hope. Guard their families from further danger and harm and hold them in the blessing of your love. Amen.

Dear God,
I just found out that someone I love is missing and my thoughts are racing into fear and panic. I surrender all of my fearful thoughts to You. I call upon Your perfect wisdom to guide everything to ensure the complete safety and protection of my loved one. Please take my fearful thoughts from me and heal them for me. I'm willing to trust that Your love ensures our safety and well-being, and there is nothing to fear. In the presence of Your light, there is no darkness. No one can be harmed, threatened or in danger when they are surrounded by the light and protection of Your love. Please take my fears and replace them with Your certainty of a peaceful outcome. I place my loved one in Your capable hands and trust, with all my heart, that they are safe and secure. Thank You, in advance, for their safe and immediate return. Thy will be done. Amen

St. Anthony, when you prayed, your stolen book of prayers was given back to you. We ask you now to please pray for all the missing children and adults of the world. Pray for their friends, family, and loved ones in the their time of suffering and sorrow. Pray that all missing people may be returned to our keeping. Or, if we must continue in our loss, pray that we may be given Christ's comfort and peace.
