Prayer For The Missionaries

All-Knowing Father, I want to pray for missionaries today. Many times, the lack of fruit in their labors can cause discouragement. Their discouragement can lead to self-doubt and depression. I pray that as they face these discouraging moments, that You encourage them in their ministries. Please grant them peace to wait for Your timing and wisdom for reaching the lost. Amen.

Heavenly Lord, I come before You on behalf of the missionaries around the world today. I want to place them into Your hands, Lord, and ask for a hedge of protection around them. You know which individuals need prayer right now. I pray on their behalf, asking for Your blessing. The most vital part of any ministry endeavor is prayer. For this reason, I also ask for You to provide other prayer warriors who will stand beside them in their ministry through prayer. Amen.

Jesus, my Great Physician, many missionaries are living in unsanitary conditions. They live, work, buy groceries, and simply exist in unhygienic situations. I pray that You would place a hedge of protection around them and their families. Please protect their health and cover them with Your love. Where there is illness today, reach out Your hand and heal. Transportation may be necessary to get the sick to safety, gracious father I pray that You provide for that as well. Amen

Blessed Lord in Heaven, I want to pray for the missionaries who are currently in language studies. I pray You would grant them great wisdom and understanding in their studies. I specifically pray for those that are new to the field. It can be quite overwhelming in the beginning. I ask You to grant them an extra measure of peace, resolve, and understanding. Grant them success in their studies so that those You have called can know You. Amen.

God of Light, missionaries have the difficult task of finding ways into the people groups they are trying to reach. They have many choices, ideas, and suggestions. Their plans are always before them. Experience shows that something that works well in one place does not necessarily work in other areas. For this reason, I am asking You to please guide their plans and bless the work of their hands. Amen.

Gracious Father, I pray on behalf of my missionary friends. They are dependent upon the offerings and support of others. Lord, I pray You would burden the hearts of more people to support their work. I pray You would go beyond those that know of them. I pray that You open the hearts of people they don't know and start new ministry partnerships. Please open the storehouses of Heaven and pour financial blessings over them. Amen.

God of Heaven's Armies, I come before You on behalf of the missionaries around the world. Their calling has taken them to places where Your enemy defends with great fierceness. Your enemy targets them because they seek to lead the lost to salvation. Please protect them against the invisible enemy with Your mighty arm. For the sake of those who will believe, teach them how to fight spiritual battles, and stand their ground. Be their shield, Lord, and guard them. Amen.

Blessed Father, I come before You for the missionaries around the world. Often their isolation can make them feel like they are alone. I especially pray for the single missionaries, Lord. I ask in the name of Jesus that when they feel alone that You would remind them that we are praying for them. They are not alone. We are with them. I pray they will physically sense our prayers for them and find the encouragement to continue the work You have given them. Amen.