Prayer For The Man I Want

" I pray that you wake with joy from a great night's sleep, my love.
When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.

Lord, thank you for hearing my cry; you have brought such a wonderful man in my life. He is godly, loving, kind and good hearted. I pray that you help us to continue growing in faith, and love each other forever. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I come before you with my heart wide open, come into me and guide me. You know me better than anyone in this world. You are my creator, the one who gives me hope and breathe of life. I have searched everywhere but I cannot find the right boyfriend. The one who is God fearing, the one who is loving, caring and kind. I turn to you God; satisfy the desires of my heart. Help me find a boyfriend who I will love and cherish forever. Amen.

Heavenly Father, You created this world and all its inhabitants. You found that man is not good to be alone. I pray this to You, O Lord, that I am in need of a partner for my life.

You have showed us in the Bible that finding the right partner made numerous couples live a happy life. Bless me, Father, that I may build a family like theirs. I believe, Lord, that You do not deny Your children their joy and happiness.

I pray that the loneliness in my heart will be gone soon. I pray this to You, O Lord. Amen.

Dear God, thank you for the gift of family that you have given me. You know my heart hurts because of the disharmony in my family. I have lost my peace and my health because of the messy situation in our home.

I have no one to turn to but You, Lord. You alone can understand the hearts of Your followers as You have created each and every one of us. Only You can bring together the hearts of Your men together. Help me forgive other family members, O Lord. Let my family not defile Your name by this disunity. Help us forgive one another of the mistakes we have done to each other and bring us back together in Your name, Father God.

Fill each one of us with your love and understand so we can fully exalt Your name in glory. I know that you will bring back the peace and unity that was once present in our home. I ask this in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayers for Finding Love

"Lead me to the one, who will not hold my hand but hold his hands together and kneel down to pray to you!
Lead me to the one whose eyes weren't looking for me but who seeks first His redeemer.
Lead me to the one who wouldn't invite me into a cheap four corner rooms but who will accompany me inside your House.
Lead me to the one who doesn't utter sweet words but who'll feed me with your gospel.
Lead me to the one who doesn't know how to sing but who give praises thru your music.
Lead me to the one who can't move mountains by himself but who believes that You alone can move those mountains of rocks.
Lead me to the one who doesn't have expensive cars but to someone who can take the road of faith.
Lead me to the one who's deaf but who listens to you.
Lead me to the one who Loves you more

I'll be patient and trust your timing, oh God. I'm going to let go of my worries and won't question your plans for me. I'm going to ask for your guidance when I'm conflicted with my decisions. I will let go my own desires.I know that you'll lead me to the right person, or to the life I'm meant to live, even if that's a life I didn't imagine. amen.

Dear god,
Please let him like me. I am slowly falling head over heels in love with him. I know i am young but I have never been happy. Everytime I want or get a relationship it gets ruined. Please have him ask me to prom, ask me to hangout, or just text me all the time and be flirty. Please God just tell him to text me right now or within the next few hours or by morning because I love him and we belong together. This time is different and I can feel it.

Oh mighty god please help me I'm obsessively in love with this man and I wish he felt the same way for me. I wish he would love me. Please bring him back to me and get him to talk to me again. I really miss him and I'm sad and depressed without him, sometimes I cry thinking about him. Please lord get me and Nery back together, and please get him to love me and think about me the way I think about him and love him. Please hear my prayer.