Prayer For The Media

Lord, technology has helped the world in many ways, but it has also proven to be a snare into sin through the lure of pornography. We ask a hedge of protection against this temptation that has the power to damage families and scar the spirit of both the one who views pornography and those who love those caught up in this trap. Help keep our minds on You in such a powerful way that pornography holds no allure. Give us the wisdom to remove temptations that we cannot resist, and to always keep You first in our hearts and minds. Amen

God, to communicate your love to men and women, you sent your only Son Jesus Christ into the world and made him our Masterthe Way, Truth, and Life of humanity. Grant that the media of social communicationpress, film, radio, television, records, internet and all forms of digital communicationmay always be used for your glory and the good of all.

Raise up vocations for this multimedial apostolate, and inspire all people of good will to contribute with prayer, action, and offerings, so that through these means the Church may preach the Gospel to all peoples. Amen.

Lord, bless the good men and women in the media mountain who have hearts for You and seek to walk in truth. May abundant favor and provision be given to the obedient and those whose walk is pure. May media outlets be transformed by Your hand to reflect honesty, objectivity, and fair coverage, so that all citizens may make wise and informed decisions. Give us boldness to confront unrighteousness and the grace to demonstrate Your heart and ways to a world that is lost.

Father in heaven, I thank you for having chosen St. Gabriel from among the angels to bear the message of the Incarnation and Redemption of humanity. Mary accepted the tidings with faith, and your Son became incarnate and, by dying on the cross, redeemed all people.

But the majority of people still have not received the message of salvation.

St. Gabriel, patron of films, radio and television, implore Jesus Master that the Church may use these powerful means to preach the divine truth to be believed, to indicate the way to be followed.

May these gifts of God serve to uplift and save everyone.

May they never be employed for the spread or error or the ruin of anyone!

May everyone openly receive the message of Jesus Christ.

St. Gabriel, pray for us and for the apostolate of film, radio, and television. Amen.

Lord, may the hearts of those reporting the news be drawn to what is true and right. May they not be satisfied with rumors and innuendo, but cry out for greater understanding. May they value and embrace what is true and good. May the fear of the Lord lead them to the knowledge of God giving greater insight and revelation into kingdom ways.

Lord, I pray that You might put me out of business. That our hopeful words about Your soon return, broadcast to every corner of the earth, would be replaced by Your very presence here among us. Communicating, not only to our ears and eyes, but directly to our hearts, as You wipe away every tearfor the One Who testifies to these things says, Surely, I am coming soon. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. For it's in Your Name alone I may prayAmen.

Lord, three things I pray, where our media is concerned. One: that You would convict the consciences of those who create, distribute, and profit from media filth; that they might see the damage they have done, and turn from their shameful ways. Secondly, we pray that You would convict each and every one of us to examine his own heart and habitsto consider our own relationships with the media; what we consume, and just how much precious time we give to it and turn our entertainment entitlement into a passion for prayer, and for the study of Your Word.

Father God, I praise You and thank You for the privilege of serving You through the mass media, and for the magnificent tools You've provided for us to communicate, educate, and inform. I pray your blessing and favor upon all those who minister the Gospel through the broadcast, internet, and print media; may You continue to utilize their God-given gifts to draw the unsaved unto Yourself, and edify the saints until the day of Your return. And, as so many servants of the Good News are now facing hard financial timeseven, perhaps, the last days of their media ministriesI pray that you might sustain and preserve their important work in our communities, and for Your Kingdom. And for every one that lifts a pen, opens a microphone, sits before a camera, or otherwise makes a living in the media--sacred or secular--I pray that each would come to a saving knowledge of, and transforming relationship with, Your only begotten Son.