Prayer For The Man I Love

Dear Lord, I have a very strong faith in you, and I believe that you can help me out of any situation. There is nothing too hard for you, My Lord. I am in distress because my dear one is gone, and I miss him/her every single day that we have been apart. How I pray, dear Lord that you may return him/her to me. Help us to rekindle the love that we shared with each other.

Dear Lord, today I come to you to pray for that person that I love so dearly. My most cherished dream is to hold him/her in my arms again. I am finding it difficult to live without my love. Help us to strengthen our relationship and fill our hearts with love, happiness, joy, and patience for each other. Dear Lord, I pray that you may accept this simple prayer and let my love come back to me.

Thank you for him, God.

We parted paths, now traveling in different directions, and I find myself wondering about him today. I find myself thinking of his heart, thinking of his story, thinking of all the ways we've grown and changed and shifted from each other.

And I'm not bitter or broken, I just want him to be well.

You've blessed me in so many ways; I just want to know that you're looking out for him, too. That your protective limbs are around his body, that your arms are outstretched and you're holding him in the palm of your hand.

I want to know that when he prays, you listen. I want to know that when he feels down, you lift him with your positive spirits, show him that on this journey he's never alone.

Dear God,

I have been single for seven years now looking for a companion and life partner to share my life with. I know you did not intend us to live our lives alone. Please look down upon me with the love in your heart and allow me to find someone to share my love and life with.

I have been a good person and have always tried tthe best I can to help others in this world and lead a Christian life. I am tired of being alone I have so much love in my heart to share and give please hear my prayer. Thank you

Dear Lord, I offer you this prayer, to help me with my current relationship situation. Please take away all the pain and hurt in my heart. Fill it with love, joy, patience, and understanding.

Bless me and my partner, so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that come our way. Fill our hearts with love for each other, and may you make each one of us realize each other's worth. Please touch the heart of my partner,fill it with much love for me.

Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. I seek for your mercy and blessing that you may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us. Lead us not into temptations. Guide us wherever we go. Always put us in each other's heart and mind. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer.

I love you. Amen.


I'm thinking about him today. Thinking about the way he laughs and the way he smiles. Thinking about how he used to kiss the tears from my cheeks when I was upset, or place his lips gently on my forehead when I was working, as if not to distract me, but let me know he was there. Even though we both knew there was no way I could stay focused after that.

It was always the little things he did that reminded me how love is supposed to beso pure, so simple, such a reflection of you.

I pray that you'll be there for him, that you'll strengthen and inspire him, that you'll show him all that he has the potential to grow into when he surrenders his path to your plan. I pray that you'll remind him of all that he has, and that you'll teach him to be humble, but also proud.

I pray that you love him, that you'll listen to him, that you'll pull him to you when he wanders away. Father God, thank you for this person, this blessing, this adventure. Let me never forget how incredibly beautiful our story is.

God, I pray for this man I love. I pray that his mind stays centered, his burden stays light, his heart stays pure and our journey blooms as we grow together. But most of all, I pray that he never loses sight of my love, or of you. Amen