Prayer For Teacher Appreciation Day

O Eternal God, bless all schools, colleges, and universities [and especially ___________], that they may be lively centers for sound learning, new discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom; and grant that those who teach and those who learn may find you to be the source of all truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A prayer sutable for a teacher to pray for their own work and students Father, please fill me with your understanding as I instruct others, Help me to see the individual potential of every student I teach. Father, please fill me with your patience as I teach others, Help me to keep giving of my time and energy, especially to those who struggle the most. Father, please give me your divine wisdom as I am with my class, Show me when I must discipline and when I can show mercy. Father, help me to depend totally on You, For You are the source of my strength, courage and peace. Father, above all, may I love and care for each student I teach. Show me how to serve as Christ serves Give as Christ gives Love as Christ loves. I ask all this in the precious name of Jesus, My Saviour and friend. Amen.

Father, we thank you for all the children in our school. Each one is so special and precious to you. Thank you for the skills and talents you have given us as teachers. We offer them to you now and ask for your blessing on them. Lord, we give you this time as we plan and make decisions for our school. We ask for your guidance, inspiration and direction. Holy Spirit, may we be sensitive to your leading as we talk and share together now. Amen.

Father, please fill me with your understanding as I instruct others, Help me to see the individual potential of every student I teach. Father, please fill me with your patience as I teach others, Help me to keep giving of my time and energy, especially to those who struggle the most. Father, please give me your divine wisdom as I am with my class, Show me when I must discipline and when I can show mercy. Father, help me to depend totally on You, For You are the source of my strength, courage and peace. Father, above all, may I love and care for each student I teach. Show me how to serve as Christ serves Give as Christ gives Love as Christ loves. I ask all this in the precious name of Jesus, My Saviour and friend. Amen.

Almighty God, We come to you today and give thanks for all our teachers. Thank you for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom, Serving and instructing the next generation of this land. We thank you for them all now. Father, please fill their hearts with courage now by your mighty Spirit. Fill them with your strength, so they may rise to every challenge and not grow weary. Fill them with your wisdom, so that they may be able to make good judgement when guiding and helping others. Fill them with your peace, so that when stress and anxiety comes it would not overwhelm them. Fill them with your joy, so that the passion they have for their subject may become a infectious passion that spreads. We ask all this in the wonderful name of Jesus. Amen.

Father, we thank you for all our teachers across this country and further afield. We thank you for their creativity, work ethic, commitment, drive and passion to those who they educate. We thank you for the lives they have changed and transformed. Father, on this Teacher Appreciation Day 2018, bless those teachers who have contributed to the lives of others, inspiring them to become doctors, nurses, solicitors and educators. Let this day be a day of appreciation, honour, respect and recognition to those whom it is due; our teachers, the ones who see the best in the life of others and strives to make something beautiful out of it through education and creativity. Amen.

Heavenly Father, LORD Jesus, Holy Spirit,
Thank you for you and for this day which you have made.

Thank you for what you have done, what you're currently doing, and what you will do in the future.

Looking back on this last academic year

Thank you for the teachers, administrators, staff, school boards, parents, guardians, coaches, and the numerous other people out there who worked hard to positively impact the hearts, minds, and lives of millions of children and young adults.

Thank you for the small and large victories the growth that occurred this last academic year.

Thank you for the teachers who persevered in spite of all sorts of obstacles, odds, and issues who rose above all of that to positively impact our next generationour future citizens.

Thank you for providing many teachers with the patience, energy, love and compassion for children, especially for those difficult-to-deal with children that can zap one's energy and emotions; thank you for the cases where the teachers ended up making life-changing behavioral changes with those children as well as being personally impacted and taught in the process.

Thank you for the single mom who struggled each day this last year to get her little ones out of bed, dressed, fed, clothed, and delivered to school and then had to go face the work world herself before having to go pick her kids up again, get them to their extracurricular activities (if that was even a possibility), feed them (if enough food was even around), work through life's issues with them, and then get them back to bed againbefore collapsing into bed, without having much time or energy left for herself.

Thank you for the dad who sat down after long days of work, even when he was tired and wanted some time for himself, and yet ended up helping his son and his daughter with their homeworkor having the tough discussions to help keep his kids' feet on solid ground.

Thank you for the teachers who fought like crazy for those on-the-edge students those students who were about to drop out of school and head down some slippery paths yet, due to those caring teachers, were encouraged enough to attempt school for another day, week, month, or year.

Thank you for helping teachers continue to teach, even when they faced numerous agendas coming at them from all over the place.

Thank you for the administrators and the office staff who not only kept things running, but advanced how students learned and helped provide them with the infrastructures/environments to further their learning who dealt with incredible amounts of stress and had to make many in-the-moment, important decisions.

Thank you for good friends for our students those friends who cared enough to tell each other the truth, spoken in love; for those who helped make school a less painful, isolating place (for those students who experienced school that way).

Thank you for the wonders of this world may our students experience more of them. Sustain their curiosities. May they have many moments when learning is enjoyable, fun, playful, creative, and even inspirational.

May you bless the teachers with continued vision and a strong sense of mission; bless them with a caring spirit, with love, compassion, energy, and with fresh/new ideas.

LORD, please strengthen and sustain those students and teachers suffering from health issues, financial difficulties, or from issues at home such as divorce or addictions. For those who bully other students, LORD please soften their hearts and grant them new eyes to see so that they can perceive and understand the harmful, lasting impacts their hurtful words and actions have on othersthen help them turn away from those destructive pathways. Strengthen and encourage those students who feel inadequate help them know that they, too, can learn and grow.

May you bless the staff and administrators with wisdom; with your wise counsel continue to guide their work knowing which projects to move forward with, and which ones to stop and drop.

Grant us the insight and the courage to change where we need to change. Show us what's in our blind spots.

Guide us as we determine our priorities throughout our nations; may education be high on the lists.

Thank you LORD for our amazing bodies and minds incredible, amazing work! May we give you the glory you deserve.

And again, thank you for you LORD!

Thank you for your forgiveness and for your grace.

In Jesus' powerful name I offer up this prayer of thanksgiving,

Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank you today for all of our teachers and educators who have dedicated their lives to educating our children, youth and adults. We thank you for the ways they have inspired us, motivated us, challenged us and guided us into greater knowledge.

Along with instructing us in academic subjects, we thank you how our teachers have equipped us with the tools we need to be able to grow and achieve. In their classrooms we have learned how to communicate well, how to cooperate and work with each other and how to use organized approaches to reach complex goals, achieve levels of excellence and follow our dreams.

We thank you God that our teachers help us learn to live productively within our communities and in our world.

We pray especially that you will bless our teachers with your help and grace. Fill them daily with encouragement by showing them specific ways that their teaching efforts are making a difference in their students' lives and in the world.

Keep their classrooms safe from all threat of harm.

Give them the resources and teaching tools they need to do their jobs well.

Guard their time from the interference of unnecessary administrative duties and from highly demanding schedules.

Grant them manageable class sizes and pleasant atmospheres in which to work.

Give our teachers the wisdom, training and staff support they need to deal with students with learning disabilities, learning differences, health problems, handicaps, behavior problems and difficult home lives.

Give them the grace to discipline students fairly and effectively.

Keep our teachers aware of behavioral and emotional changes in their students. Enable them to start conversations and direct their students toward helpful resources about personal problems such as difficult home lives, depression, abuse, low self esteem, bullying and drug use.

Grant supportive parents and communities to all of our teachers. Keep the communication lines open between teachers and parents. Help parents listen well and not push the teacher to make exceptions to the rules for their child. May our teachers be blessed with parents and

community members who volunteer often in the classroom making it easier for teachers to concentrate on teaching.
Provide times of rest and renewal for our teachers. Bless their health, their home lives and their spirits. Provide for their financial and emotional needs. Nurture their faith. Protect their health. Prosper their work.

Help our teachers know today and every day how much we appreciate their dedication to educating and equipping us with the knowledge and skills we need to succeed in life.

We pray these things in the name and spirit of Jesus, the Good Teacher. Amen.