Prayer For Someone In Emotional Pain

Dear Lord,

In the midst of this terrible place.....

In the midst of all this suffering.....

I have decided.....

I have decided to never abandon my love for you.

I have decided to trust you, even when I hurt.


I'm here, Lord, waiting on you.

I'm waiting for comfort.

I'm waiting for refreshment.

I'm waiting for guidance and direction.

I'm waiting for you, Lord, to rescue me.


Loving Father, I come before you with faith in your promise that whatever
I ask for in your name you will grant to me if it is for the good of my soul
and in accordance with your Divine Will.

I come trusting in your great love for me and believing
that only you know what is best for me.
I come to you now to ask that you enter my heart
and heal all my wounded emotions.

You know me better than I know myself.
Bring your healing love into every corner of my heart and release
all the buried negative emotions inside that have not been resolved
and continue to cause me pain and anguish.

Remove all my unhealed hurts and painful memories that
block the flow of your graces, robbing me of your peace, love and joy.
Heal all feeling of sadness, loneliness, fear and anxiety.
Heal all guilt, despair, feelings of betrayal and rejection.
Heal all feelings of anger, hatred, resentment and bitterness.

Bring your healing love to all my emotions that have caused me feelings
of hopelessness, discouragement, helplessness and despair.
Grant me the grace to forgive all those who caused these negative emotions
and likewise to be forgiven by those to whom I have done the same harm.

And then, dear Father, after I have been healed may I be a witness of your
healing power and bring glory, honor and praise to you.

This I pray in Jesus' name through Mary and all the saints.



I admit that my confession has been at best fruitless and often even damning to myself and others. I receive Your salvation from the curse in every area of my life. My eyes are set on You and my ears are tuned now to Your voice. I choose words that agree with Your Word. I choose to call things that are not as I thought they were, words of faith and not fear. Today, I will shout joyful things like: This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it! and, The Lord's right hand has done mighty things! If my neighbors hear any shouting from my home, it won't be arguing or strife or frustration. It will be joyous sounds of praise to You. Help me overcome negativity and bring You in!


Father, I'm praying for (name one or more) and others in my circle of family or friends in need of Your healing touch for their hurting hearts...

Some of them have received emotional wounds, some of them severe. Help them be willing to let you heal those hurts so they won't become increasingly destructive over time, for You are the Lord who heals. (Exodus 15:26)

I come to You with the same spirit of helplessness and dependence that Moses had when he was leading Your people through the desert. They came to water, but it was bitter and the people had nothing to drink. Moses cried out to You, and You showed him a piece of wood; when he threw it into the water, the water became sweet. I'm now coming on behalf of these who are carrying emotional pain. In my heart I bring the wood of the cross, asking that Christ, who heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds, would bring healing to any bitterness He finds in their hearts. (Exodus 15:2325; Psalm 147:3; Jeremiah 8:22)

No matter what pain they've suffered, help them not to give into anger, resentment, unforgiveness, or bitterness and become captive to sin. May their hearts not become calloused or hard, but refresh them in Christ. May they not lose heart but be inwardly renewed day by day. (Acts 8:23; Matthew 13:15; Psalm 95:8; Philemon 20; 2 Corinthians 4:16)

In Jesus' name, amen.

Omnipotent, all-powerful God, I run to You in desperation, and I thank You that You listen when I pray. I come to You asking to be delivered from all my troubles and pain. I ask for Your angel to be my guard, surrounding and defending me because I revere You. I know that I will have joy because I come to You for refuge. I have tasted and seen that You are good. Amen.

Infinite God, I come to you with feelings of helplessness, knowing that I can take heart in Your compassion and protection. I come to You asking to be freed of all my fears and inner torment, and I thank You that when I pray, You hear and answer me. I thank You that when I look to You for help that I will be radiant with joy. I exalt Your name, for You alone are my strength. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we live in a fallen world and are surrounded with so many men and women as well as boys and girls, who have suffered emotional damage or are going through emotional abuse, and I just want to take a few moments to lift up all those that are experiencing this type of trauma, and pray for Your healing touch on their lives.

Lord, You know every one who is in need of emotional healing and the hurt and pain that they are going through, and I ask You to meet each one at their own point of need. May they find their strength, support, comfort and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Refresh those that are weary, strengthen those that are weak, help the afflicted, deliver the needy, comfort the sorrowing, heal those that are hurting and draw very close to all who are in need of emotional healing. This I pray in Jesus' name,


Lord, the pain is so deep that I hardly know how to pray. Please examine my inner being and reveal to me any areas of unresolved emotional pain, resentment or unforgiveness. Touch me I pray with Your love, and begin the precious healing process within, that only You can accomplish.

Flood me with Your healing and wholeness, and if there are areas in my heart that need to be confessed, or for which I need to repent, I pray that You would bring them to the forefront of my mind and set me free from the bondage of this deep and traumatised hurt.

I know that the Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit, and I simply want to rest in Your love and allow Your streams of healing and strength to flood my heart my mind, my body and my soul.

Thank You, that You are the divine Physician and the God who heals all our pain. Keep me under the shadow of Your wing and to You be all praise and glory for ever. In Jesus' name,
