Prayer For Someone In Jail

Heavenly father please give Brandon a chance to get out of jail and change his life around for the better. Give the judge a heart to see past his past and let him come home so we can follow your path an do right. We promise to never forget you and the miracle you have done for us. In Jesus name I pray amen.

Lord I ask that your will be done in my sons case. Lord we know the truth and the his innocence. We know Jesus that you are the author of love, compassion, and peace. I pray for Lord Jesus that you put your angels around us and carry us through this time. Let the Holy Spirit move in us and give us your wisdom and knowledge. You said you will never leave us not forsake us. Take all these trials and tribulations from us and help us to become better Christians and give us the faith now that we need on this day. We are your children God and we know you will not desert us in our time of need. We pray for some unseen miracle to happen today in that court room. Free my son!