Prayer For Someone In Pain

The Lord will touch you right now and relief you of those pains on every part of your body in Jesus name.

Every pain or discomfort you are going through now shall disappear and will not appear anymore in Jesus name.

Lord of Lords and King of Kings, I thank you for your grace and mercies in this day you created. You comfort us in times of trouble so that we can comfort others in their hour of need. This day I dedicate my dear friend to you. He is going through troubling times and is in a lot of pain. The pain is preventing him from carrying out everyday duties. As well as fulfilling his purpose for your kingdom. You see even the deepest secrets of our hearts so if his suffering is as a result of his actions I intercede and repent on his behalf and ask for your mercy. If the suffering is the work of the enemy, I claim your promise that states nothing formed against your will shall prosper. Let my friend's pain be the means through which your glory gets displayed. Let his situation work out in his favor according to your plan. I confess your healing power, and rise against the spirit of infirmity and suffering and declare that his or her body receives total recovery from pain and suffering through the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Dear God, the author of our faith. I thank you for your gracious love from which nothing can separate us. Whether it is life or death, victories or losses I know you are present in my life each day. Your love surpasses all things. You encourage us to be anxious about nothing. Through prayers, thanksgiving, and supplications we should let our petitions known unto you. I know that as long as I am in this world I will endure pain, suffering and even get persecuted for the things I believe. I thank you because you protect the ones you love, and your word is always genuine and unfailing. You said you would be with me in times of pain and suffering. When I pass through the fire the flames will not consume me, nor the waters overwhelm me as I walk through the rivers of life. My Lord and my Savior, my body, is overcome with pain, I am in distress. I call upon you to establish your word. Send your healing word to relieve me from this pain. Remove the pain and restore me back to my joy, vitality, peace and happiness so that I can testify to your wondrous deeds and mercy. Your will be done. I say this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.



This pain is hard to bear.
Draw near me.
Touch me.
Stand between me and this suffering.
Alive, Risen with hope anew,
I fall upon your promises
And ask for healing
In Jesus name.


Lord God,

I wish I could take away their pain. It is so hard to see them suffer and not know how to help. So I came before you, the great Creator God, our restorer, and our redeemer. I know that you took their pain upon yourself when you died on the cross. So I ask in your name for a healing work. Come now in the power of the Holy Spirit and restore this child of yours.


Lord, I feel worn down by reoccurring pain I have. It makes every small thing feel like a big deal. Please help me to manage this illness and continue to find time to rest and treat the pain. Most of all Lord please touch the area of discomfort and bring healing. Please flood the inflammation with warmth and bring the swelling down. Come release the muscles that are tight and bring your restoration. May my waking hours be restful and my sleep be peaceful.

I ask all this in the name of Jesus, my Savior and my friend.


Lord God,

I wish I could take away their pain. It is so hard to see them suffer and not know how to help. So I came before you God, our restorer, and our redeemer. I know that you took their pain upon yourself when you died on the cross. So I ask in your name for healing for them. Come now in the power of the Holy Spirit and restore this child of yours. I pray they no longer have to bear this weight on their shoulders. I pray that they also look to turn themselves to you during their time of struggling.
