Prayer For Someone In Mourning

O Lord, we come and crave aid at your merciful hands that when our enemy comes to bid battle with us, we may by your power and might overcome him, and put him to flight; for we know that he can go no further then you give him leave. . . . O Lord make us strong in you and in the power of your might: put your whole armor upon us, that we may stand steadfast against the crafty assaults of the Devil; for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against rule and against power, and against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly things. For this cause, O most sweet Savior, put upon us your whole armor, so that thereby we may be able to resist the prince of this world.

Jesus, You are the light of the world; fulfill Your promise that anyone who follows You will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life

Thank you, God, that the people who live in darkness
have seen a great light,
and for those living in the land of the shadow of death,
a light has dawned.[for] the kingdom of heaven has come near

The darkness has taken hold me and I can't find my way back to the light. In this moment, ending it all seems like the best option, the only option, the only way to escape. Yet, there is something in me that wants your light to snuff out the darkness. So I ask, Lord, that you would do just that. You are the only light that can shine in the darkness. I know when I'm consumed with thoughts of death I'm believing lies from the enemy. I ask Lord that you would remind me of these truths: when I feel alone, you are with me; when I feel invisible, you see me; when I feel worthless, my value is knowing you and being known by you. Amen.

Heavenly Father, please strengthen our hearts, and remind us to encourage one another when the troubles of life start to overwhelm us. Please guard our hearts from depression. Give us the strength up to rise up each day and fight against the struggles which seek to weigh us down. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank you that you are the Prince of Peace and you give peace to your people. I ask that you would remove my sadness and replace it with peace and joy. You suffered and died for me, proving your great love. You have paid the greatest price to meet my deepest need and so I can trust you with every other aspect of my life. You are my rock of hope, you were rejected and forsaken so that I will never be rejected or forsaken by you. I ask that I would always trust in you. In your mighty name, Amen.

Everlasting Father, I thank you that you continually give good gifts to your children. You know the sadness that I feel at the moment and I ask you to give me just what I need to overcome that sorrow. I look to your throne of mercy to find relief from my pain. As I kneel before you, I pray that you would hear my cry and heal my heart. All comfort springs from you, you are the source of life itself. I have no other hope but you, thank you that you will never let me down. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Father God, in Jesus' name, thank You for seeing my tears and hearing my cries. Lord Jesus, thank You that Your Word says I have hope in You. You are in me, and You are the hope of glory.

Father, I confess that I have struggled with doubt, unbelief, discouragement, and hopelessness. But these have been my feelings, Lord, and my feelings are not permanent but Your Word is.

So Father, I speak to my soul right now, and I say: Soul, line up with my spirit, which is filled with the Holy Spirit! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me; bless His holy name!