Prayer For Single Parents

Dear Jesus,
You were a human on this earth with us and you know us and our imperfections so well. I beg you today for peace and grace in my heart as I see the mistakes I have made as a mother.

Help me not to focus on the mistakes I have made or the people who have judged me, but guide my attention to the center of your love.

Grant me the ability to forgive myself and feel how very deeply you love me because I am flawed and need your saving.

Give me the patience and compassion to love my children more deeply than I ever have. I long for their forgiveness.

Guide me with your Holy Spirit and give me the patience and love to let them being to trust in me.

Open my battered heart and lead me to comfort and peace.

Give me the patience and compassion to love my children more deeply than I ever have. I long for their forgiveness.
Guide me with your Holy Spirit and give me the patience and love to let them begin to trust in me.
Please heal the pain I carry in my heart each day and close the distance between my children and me.

I ask this in the name of your most loving mother, the mother of us all.

Lord Jesus Christ my God, who carried Your own Holy Cross to Golgotha, grant me the strength, patience and wisdom to bear the burdens of parenthood.

Fulfill in me anything I may be lacking and grant that through our prayers and those of Your Holy Mother, our family may grow closer to You and a Life in Christ. Amen

Dear God, she seems to bear the weight of the world on her shoulders, but to carry it more lightly than I think I would. I see her balancing work and home, money and no money, friends who no longer make time to see her, and I send up a prayer for her.

Her old friends have moved on with their lives, and in truth, she doesn't have much in common with them anymore. She is lonely, loving God. She would like company but doesn't want to make time for new relationships because her waking hours are already full: she is a mother. She walks when gas is too expensive for the car and forgoes new clothes so her child can have shoes.

This is not how her life started out, but circumstances changed from her life of privilege to this life she embraces so fully. Her life is difficult and she seems so tired much of the time, but I am inspired by the love she has for her child.

Give her the strength to put in long hours each day; the courage to face those who dismiss her with blaming and knowing nods; the ability to maintain her loving life at home; and the deepest knowledge in her heart that you love her.

Let your Holy Spirit fill their hearts and set a guard over it. Let the Holy Spirit also guide them in areas of their lives where they need answers or comfort. Bind, cancel and remove all people from their lives who are harmful for their walk with you.

Direct their paths and keep them from the hour of tribulation. It will bring great joy to my heart to see these single moms and their families and friends rise up in the clouds on the day of your return and enter your gates with thanksgiving as you crown them with your love and the reward of your everlasting kingdom.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit for everything you have done and also your angels up in heaven who I love. I know you have heard my request and it has arrived to you. Immediately pour out your blessings, in your faithfulness, deliver us.

And Lord, tonight as they lay their head down to sleep take all her anxieties and pain away and replace it all with your peace. Lord, please give them peace of mind and help to renew their mind to forget all the pain in their heart, in Jesus name, Amen.

Dear God, my sister is hurting since the divorce. She keeps crying and is very depressed. Lord, even though it may seem that you're far off right now, you are not. You never sleep nor slumber. You're always there for your children. Please remind her that you will never leave her nor forsake her. Manifest your presence in her life that she may know you're there with her. Take loneliness far away from her heart and fill her heart with love and courage to face life. Give her beauty instead of ashes and let your name be glorified. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father, manifest your presence in the lives of single mothers all over the world. Instead of shame, please give them a double portion. Remind them of your love and that you are their husband and redeemer. Some of them are hurting so badly, and they have closed their hearts. Please help them to open their hearts to you that you may comfort and heal them. Lord let them know that you love them and that they are the apple of your eyes, In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father, everything that is happening in my life has left me feeling overwhelmed, and I don't have anywhere to turn to but to you. Lord, you know the burden that I'm carrying, putting food on the table, and ensuring that all my children are happy. Lord, it is so hard, and I feel so discouraged. Lift my soul O Lord and help me to focus on you even as I juggle so many things. Be my guide in all that I do in Jesus' name, Amen.

Father God, the creator of all, thank you for accepting me as your daughter. Thank you for loving me with all my flaws. Dear God, playing the role of father and mother in the lives of my children is taking a toll on me. I do not know how to balance life anymore. There are so many things that I have to do now for my family. I don't think I can manage this I feel like giving up. Please help me to find a balance so that I can have time to myself and get some rest. May I find rest in you that I may be able to operate from the point of overflow and bring up my children in your ways. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.