Prayer For Single Ladies

God, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you for creating me in your image and blessing me with the holy spirit, in which I have become a new creation. God, please remove the parts of me that aren't godly, righteous and honoring to you. Show me the areas that I can still improve in to become the godly woman that you have called me to be. Teach me how to become wise, make good decisions, and live according to your will. Amen.

Jesus, I thank you for your mercy, patience, and goodness towards me. And thank you for being my guide and my provider. I know that sometimes I try to restrict or ignore you in certain areas of my life because I feel like I know what is best for me. But you are a better judge than me because you know the reason for my season. I pray that I learn to trust you with all my heart and don't lean on my own understanding. Help me to surrender all my hopes, dreams and plans to you and follow your lead in everything I do. Amen.

God, thank you for this season of singleness and the opportunity it presents for spiritual growth. You know that sometimes I tend to worry about whether or not I will ever find The One'. That's why I ask you to help me overcome my anxiety about the future by keeping my eyes on things above. Remind me that you are in control and fill my heart with your peace, that transcends all understanding. Amen.

Jesus, I praise your name, because you have already laid out every day of my life and no moment comes as a surprise to you. I ask you that whenever my desire for love takes over my thinking, you give me the wisdom to see through my superficial feelings and emotions. Help me not to rush into an intimate relationship, that pleases my flesh, but to trust in your perfect timing and wait for a commitment of love that honors you. Amen.

Oh Lord, I praise you for blessing me with another day. You woke me up today because you are not done with me yet. And even though my situation overwhelms and saddens me at times, I choose to be happy. I know that you have a plan for my life and that today is the day you have made for me to rejoice in it. Teach me how to develop real joy that comes from you and that sustains any circumstance. Amen.

Father, thank you for the desire to honor you with my body. I recognize the effect sexual immorality can have on my life, my purpose, and my relationship with you. I pray that I don't doubt or underestimate its power to destroy me physically and spiritually. Instead, I ask that you give me the strength to flee from sexual sin and help me to not conform to the culture. Please make my desire to follow you greater than my desire to please my flesh and show me how to keep my thoughts pure. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you for creating me as a woman that enjoys to show affection, provide warmth and extend love to others. You know my heart and how fragile it is. That I tend to get emotionally invested in my relationships, which hurts if they don't work out. Father, I ask you to help me to guard my heart. Teach me to set boundaries and protect my mind, my soul and my heart. Help me to stay on the right path that leads to a godly relationship with you in the center. Amen.

Dear God,

I come to you in this season with a prayer for the love of my life. Your word says we are to come boldly before the throne (Hebrews 4:16) so I come bold and unashamed.

Lord my heart is to be in a healthy, loving, committed relationship with the man You have for me. I want Your best for me and often struggle with waiting. God, I refuse to allow time to discourage me this holiday. I am encouraged, and I choose to believe You are preparing me to receive him now. So I shift my mind, my heart and my attitude to a place of gratitude and hope for what is to come.

Marshall also says that in 2018, having a clear mind should be of top priority.

To position yourself for the man you've been waiting for stay positive, speak as if he's already here and get ready, she advises. Jealousy and envy will block your blessing. Pray for the relationship you admire from afar.