Prayer For Seeking New Job

Lord, my Rock and Redeemer, you have never, and will never, let me down. As I seek a new job opportunity I ask that your will, not mine, would be done. Provide the right job for me that enables me to glorify you in how I work. I lay down all my hopes and dreams for the future at your feet, knowing that what you have prepared for me is far better than anything I can imagine. Fill me with joy as I step into the future following you my friend and king. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Everlasting Father, thank you that you know me better than I know myself. You know the job that is right for me although I am uncertain which path to take. Let me gaze at the beauty of your plans for me rather than the darkness of confusion that the world offers. Speak clearly to me as I make decisions and guide me with your compassionate hand. In everything I do, I pray that I would glorify you and be a blessing to other people. May I overflow with the presence of your Spirit. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

All-knowing God, thank you that you always go before me as my good shepherd, leading me into fruitful places. As I feel weary from searching for a new job, I pray that you would refresh my strength and lead me in the right direction. Supply the wisdom I need to make decisions and the courage I need to step out in faith. Rid my mind of worry as I stand in your might and power. In you, there is nothing that I can not overcome. May I experience the vibrant, abundant life that you have for me. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, you calmed the wind and waves with your word. As I endure the uncertainty and confusion of a job search, I pray that you would calm my mind in this storm. Fill my heart with your peace and my mind with your wisdom. I praise you for everything you have given me and ask you with humble confidence to provide the right job for me now. Make clear your will for my life. May your grace, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with me always. In your name, Amen.

Mighty God, I thank you that every atom of the universe is under your control. I thank you that I can trust in your providence as I search for a job. I ask that you would direct my eyes and protect me from making bad choices. When I feel anxious about the unknown future, I pray that you would flood my heart with your peace, silencing my fears and doubts. Through the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus, you have given me all things and opened the gates to your blessings. Please bless me with a new job. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the God from whom all blessings flow. Please bless me with new opportunities for work. I am made in your image and I want to use the talents you have given me in a useful and effective way. Lead me to the right opportunity at this time. I am grateful for all the blessings you have given throughout my life so far and look to the future with faith in your continued goodness. Increase my faith that I may rely on you during this period of change. In your mighty and powerful name, Amen.

Heavenly Father, your love has transformed my life. As I look for a new job, I pray you would guide me as I seek. As I consider various opportunities I pray that you would keep my heart rooted and fixed in you. Help me to make decisions based on your wisdom rather than my desires. Guide my steps and make clear the path you are opening up before me. Lord, bless me and keep me, make your face shine upon me. Turn your face towards me and give me peace. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Dear God,
You know my needs. You know my desire for a job, for work I enjoy doing, for the next step in my career to present itself. I pray that you would guide me as I continue on this job hunting journey. May I focus first on your will for my life, putting your desires and your plan above my own wishes and wants. Open doors to new opportunities that you desire for me, and equip me with the skills, knowledge, and wisdom I need to take steps forward in this process. As I craft my resume, write cover letters, submit my applications, connect with new companies and potential employers, and go on interviews, give me the words to speak and the courage to share who I am and what I can do. Give me confidence that can only come from you, and give me humility too. I trust you, Lord-- my life is in your hands. Your will be done. Thank you for being near to me every step of the way and thank you for always providing for my every need. May this all be for your glory.

In your name,