Prayer For Quitting A Job

Lord, I leave my work situation in Your hands, knowing that You alone can vindicate my character, and I pray that You will intervene on my account. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Lord, Please have mercy on me, I know I have made some mistakes, but the punishment of job loss does not fit my transgressions. Please allow me through your grace to keep doing your work in my current profession. Please forgive me and save me. In Christ's name I pray. Amen

My prayer is that the Lord may come through for me and soften the hearts and tongues of my bosses as I will be facing them at different levels and times today. Also, the effectiveness and success in my career and personal life. Asking all these with a very grateful heart that the Lord has preserved my life and in the name of Jesus my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Lord bless Adam that the people at his job in power be touched by you so that they can see the good in Adam. Father only through you can this happen. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Help me to count it all joy when I am faced with these trials and difficulties at work, knowing that this is a testing of my faith which will produce steadfastness and patient endurance.

Help me to have faith that You will even use this situation that I am facing at work as a means for my good, and to the glory of Your name. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Lord, we are living in hard times and high unemployment that causes so many to be out of work, and has such a negative influence on the lives of individuals as well as communities in general, and oh Lord, if it were not for the hope that is in Christ Jesus, life would indeed be unbearable. But thanks be to God, Who has given us the victory in Jesus Christ our Lord. Use me I pray, to help and encourage those that I know and to support others as I lift my voice in prayer to You. Hearken to this prayer and send help to those in need, I pray. In Jesus' name,


Dear God, you know how much need a new job both for financial income, and the opportunities it would provide to use the talents you've given me to help make the world a better place. This is where it starts. How you leave a job says way more about our character than how we start. It's all about a decision. Dear lord I pray for a new job as well as a help mate from you lord.I believe you to provide for me a job so I can take care of who you will bless me with as my help mate.Provide my heart desire in jesus mighty name I pray. It's not just a career, it's a calling! My employer frequently wants me to do things that cut corners and blur the moral lines with regard to intellectual property (pictures, music, graphics) in the projects I'm working on. I could use some prayer for God to really guide me in what to do about my job. Since you have worked there for a long time you must have learnt a lot of things about the work. for a good prayer to say before going for a job interview. Before you turn in your resignationor even begin looking for another joblet me suggest that you consider the following seven actions.

Dear God please lift me up & give me strength to do what I know I must in resigning my current job. I do not have the proper skills for what I'm doing & I am making a mess of things. Because of this, it is manifesting in many emotional & physical problems for me.

I pray Lord, that you will lead me to a job where I can use the skills I know I have & be able to meet my financial needs & make some friends.I know you have a plan for me God, please help me to walk in faith. Amen.