Prayer For Rain

Oh Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, we turn to you in this time of great need. The drought we are facing is severe and many are saying the worst is yet to come.

In II Chronicles 7:13-14 you said, "When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Oh Lord, please send us rain!

In Jesus name, Amen.

O God,

For the beauty and constancy of creation,

we give you thanks;

For our abuse and neglect of your good creation,

we ask your forgiveness;

For rain to refresh our bodies and to satisfy the parched earth,

we appeal to your mercies.

For the sake of your Son, our Lord Christ, who calmed the seas,


Creator God, bless us with water poured down from the sky. As surely as your word stands forever, so let the rain fall. Bring to life the water courses of the Lehigh Valley and surrounding terrain. Open up your waterspouts on high and send forth the blessing of land on our heads, on our crops, and in our reservoirs.

Bless us again that we may be energized to praise your name and to feed the hungry.

May the rains come quickly and bless us through Jesus Christ by water and the spirit. Amen.

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, You alone are good and You alone richly provide for all the needs and the necessities of life, and in Your loving-kindness You give us over and above all that we ask or think. Thank You for Your steadfast love and gracious provision to us and to all Your creation.

Forgive us for the times when we have taken Your provision for granted and the times when we have failed to thank You and give You the honour and gratitude that You deserve. Thank You, that even though we have failed to acknowledge all that You give us day by day, You faithfully provide us richly all things to enjoy. But Lord, we come to You now, knowing that we are facing a drought in this region and we ask You to send abundant rain on the earth, which has become dry, thirsty and arid.

Look down in pity our plight we pray. It is not only the plants that are wilting, but even the animals and people in this place are parched and dry. Oh Lord, send us rain. Open the windows of heaven we pray with the sweet rainfall that we so desperately need, and water our land we pray, and we will give You all the praise and glory due to Your holy name,


Heavenly Father, thank You that You are a God whose promises never fail and Whose Word is righteous and true. Father, You have promised to send rain in their seasons so that the land will yield its increase and the trees will bear their fruit, but Lord, the severe lack of rain has caused this land to become like a dust bowl and we are afraid that the labour of planting and harvesting will come to nothing if we do not receive rain very soon.

Lord Your Word says He will give the rain for your land in it's season, the early and late rain, that you may gather in your grain and Your new wine and Your oil, and You have promised, rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying hearts with food and gladness.

Lord, we do not deserve Your grace, but for the sake of Your holy name we ask that You would water the land, and provide us with the rain that You promised in this season. In Jesus' name we pray,


Heavenly Father, You have promised to give Your people their rain in due season so that the land may bring forth its increase. You have promised to send the early and the latter rains, and we thank You for Your faithfulness in watering the land of Israel for so many years.

Lord, we come again to pray that You would refill Israel and pour refreshing rains on the land, so that the rivers will be filled and the land will blossom and bloom and yield its harvest in due season.

Lord, as a nation Israel has strayed far from You and has even failed to recognise their Saviour and King, and yet You have not forgotten Your own chosen people and have continued to bless them, despite their unbelief and blindness to the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ. Father, we pray for Israel, that You would send an abundance of rain to fill up the depleted reservoirs of water.

Water Your land and bless Your people, Israel, and we pray that many may come to recognise the Lord Jesus as their God and Saviour, in Whose name we pray,


Dear Lord, we are facing a severe drought and we plead with You to open the heavens and send rain on this dry and thirsty land. Lord, we know that You are the one that sends the rain and You are the one that can withhold the rain, but we pray that You would look down in pity on our waterless land and send the rain to water the land, reviving the land and the people.

Lord, we do not deserve You grace and mercy, for we have not loved and served You as we should, but You are long-suffering and of great goodness and we pray that You would send rivers of water over the vegetation and fill up the water-holds and wells, for the earth is parched and we do not know what to do.

Lord, for Your Holy Names sake, we ask that You would send the rains in this land soon, for we have no hope but You, for You have promised to give rain upon the earth and send water on the fields. You have promised that the seasons will not fail and that the harvest will continue to provide their bounty, but without the life-giving water, we are going to have to face very severe consequences. In Your mercy, send us rain in the dry and dusty land. We pray in Jesus' name,


Dear God, we cry to You to send rains to the parched lands of Texas. Lord, the rains have been withheld and our fields are becoming like a dust bowl and Lord. there is not a single cloud in the sky. And yet, You are God and You are the one who poured out rain on the land, when Elijah prayed. Like Elijah, we come to You Lord, and pray that You would send clouds with an abundance of rain, for the land is dying and we are in great need.

Lord, our hope is in You and our trust is in You. Without You Lord, we could not survive in this land and we know and acknowledge this fact, and so we cry out together for You to hear our prayers for rains to drench the earth and bring new life to a land that is thirsty and arid.

Forgive us Lord, for the times that we have not thanked You for Your ongoing provision, but do not hold that to our account, for You have promised to send water to the earth in due season and so we look to You Lord, we look to You, for our hope is in You alone, for we have no one to help us apart from You. In Jesus' name,
