Prayer For Rain Movie

Oh Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, we turn to you in this time of great need. The drought we are facing is severe and many are saying the worst is yet to come.

In II Chronicles 7:13-14 you said, "When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Oh Lord, please send us rain!

In Jesus name, Amen.

Heavenly Father,

We know your word is true.

You promised you would not allow us to be tempted above what we are able to bear, so in spite of the lack of moisture on our earth, we know you will provide.

You also admonished us to be thankful in all things. While we are not thankful for the drought, we are thankful for your many other bountiful blessings.

We are thankful that you will give us the strength and wisdom to be wise in our use of the water supply we have until the heavens open and satisfy the thirst of our dry land.

Thank you, Father, Amen.

O Master, Lord our God, Who, having heard the prayer of Elijah the Tishbite, for the sake of his zeal held back rain from the earth for a time, and again, for the sake of his prayer, granted fruit bearing rain. As You are the Master of All, we entreat You; Out of Your deep compassion, grant an abundance of rain to Your inheritance. Overlooking our transgressions, send down Your rain to this place, and gladden the face of the earth, for the sake of Your needy people, children, animals and all others. For they look in expectation to You that You give them nourishment in due season. For You are our God, a God merciful and quick to save, and to You we ascribe glory; to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto

We love you Lord, for you hear our voice. You hear our cry for mercy. Because you turn your ear to us, we will call on you as long as we live. We cry out for you to send us your rain, Lord. Shower on us rivers of water to sustain our lives and replenish the earth you have created. We confess we have neglected you and have not followed your ways. We humble ourselves before you and count on your loving kindness which endures forever. Let the clouds above burst forth with your showers of blessing.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Gracious God, you nourish and sustain all living things; nothing can exist without the gifts that you give. In the midst of our inability to do anything on our own, we turn to you. We plead for the much-needed moisture to save what crops remain, to fill dwindling wells, to nourish all that surrounds us that is seemingly near death. We come to the one who has the power to do all things, even give life to dry bones. As we survey our great need, send your living water to revive both our land and our souls as we trust in you alone. In the name of God, our Creator, and your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dear God, we come before you reminded that you are the only true God, the creator of heaven and earth. You set in motion the water cycle (Eccl 1:7) and you can so easily get our attention by giving too much or by withholding rain. Forgive us for forgetting that all the good things we enjoy are from you (James 1:17). You have promised that if we will obey your Word (the Bible) that you will send rain (Deut 28:1,12). You have told us to humble ourselves, to pray, to seek your approval and to turn from our wicked ways and then you will hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our land (II Chron 7:14). Amen.

Our God and God of our ancestors:

Remember Abraham, his heart poured out to You like water.

You blessed him, as a tree planted near water;

You saved him when he went through fire and water.

For Abraham's sake, do not withhold water.

Remember Isaac, his birth foretold while angels drank cool water.

At Moriah his blood was almost spilled like water;

In the desert he dug deep to find springs of water.

For Isaac's sake, grant the gift of water.

Remember Jacob, who with his staff forded Jordan's water.

Gallantly he showed his love beside a well of water;

He struggled, victoriously, with a creature of fire and water.

For Jacob's sake, do not withhold water.

Remember Moses, whose basket rocked in reeds and water,

In Midian he gave his sheep ample grass and water;

He struck the rock, and then the tribes drank sweet water.

For Moses' sake, grant the gift of water.

Remember Israel's tribes; You brought them through water.

For their sake brackish marsh became sweet water;

Their descendants' blood was spilled for You like water.

For the people of Israel's sake, grant the gift of water.

You are the Lord our God

who causes the wind to blow and the rain to fall.

For a blessing, not for a curse.

For life, not for death.

For abundance, not for famine.

God of Creation

We turn to you

in our need for rain.

Supply the need of the soil,

so that the land may flourish.

Give us equal desire

for spiritual refreshment.

Give us the faith of your prophet who prayed

"Though the fig tree does not blossom,

and no food is on the vines;

Though the produce of the olive fails,

and the fields yield no food;...

Yet we will rejoice in the Lord;

We will exalt in the God of our salvation.

God, the Lord, is our strength

through Christ our savior." Amen.