Prayer For Pure Thoughts

Almighty God, who alone gave us the breath of life, and alone can keep our hearts filled with your holy desires: I ask you, trusting in your infinite compassion, to sanctify my thoughts and endeavors; that I may neither begin an action without a pure intention nor continue it without your blessing. And grant that, having the eyes of my mind opened to behold things invisible and unseen, my heart may be inspired by your wisdom, and my work upheld by your strength, and in the end, that I may be accepted by you as your faithful servant; through Jesus Christ our Savior.


Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires are known, and from whom no secrets are hidden: Cleanse the thoughts of my heart by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that I may perfectly love you and worthily praise your holy name. Through Christ I pray,


Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, oh Lord. Let your Holy Spirit guide me in my prayer and in thought, and grant me the grace to listen and hear your Word. Soften my heart, that I may be directed by your truth, and not the devices of my body and mind. In the name of Christ I ask this,


Heavenly Father,

Lord, please help me to discern the lies of the enemy so that I do not give any credence to thoughts that are not in alignment with Your truth. Help me to examine my thoughts in light of Your Word at all times. In Psalm 26:2, we are instructed to ask Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my mind and my heart.

Father please try my mind and my heart and enable me to purify my thoughts and actions so that evil will not find a dwelling within. Overflow my mind and heart Father with Your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Himself said that those who are pure in heart are truly blessed, but Lord I know that of myself I can never attain the standard of purity that You require. Lord, I know that only as I allow the Holy Spirit to live in me, work through me, teach and train me will I come to that purity of heart that only comes from You, as I am conformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus.

Lord, for too long I have been smugly comparing myself advantageously with others around me, and believing that I was pure in Your eyes. But now that I have come to realise that the only standard to which You are comparing me is the Lord Jesus, I humbly kneel before You, at the foot of Your throne and ask your forgiveness for my self-indulgent pride and ego-centricity. May I look to Jesus and live as He lived in spirit and truth, seeking only to do Your will and to live a life that honours You.

Search my heart and purify my thoughts, and may Your indwelling Holy Spirit identify any pride and self-importance that is lurking within. as You conform me day by day into the likeness of the Lord Jesus. Help me to make the right choices in my life, the choices that honour You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, I long to be like Jesus and know that in myself I will always fall short of His standard of perfection and purity, but Lord I pray that You would examine my inner heart and secret thoughts and identify in me those areas that need to be rooted out, so that Christ may live in me and work through me to Your greater glory.

Give me the grace to recognise any impure areas in my life that need to be rooted out, and make me willing to engage in the painful process of having all that dishonours Your name cut away by the Holy Spirit's scalpel of truth. Help me to keep the eyes of my heart fixed on Jesus Christ my Lord, and grant me the purity of heart and integrity of spirit that is becoming of a vessel fit for Your use.

Begin to search me today O Lord, know my heart, and see if there is any impurity of heart, evil intent or prideful thoughts. May I be willing to be stripped of everything that is not of You, so that I may be pure and holy in Your sight. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord God, I seek a true inner purity that only comes from You and I come to You, knowing that I stand unclean, impure and wretched before Your perfect throne of purity and truth. Lord, I ask Your forgiveness for the way that I have not honoured You with my body, knowing that I have engaged in many impure acts and unchaste thoughts. I confess that I am unworthy to even kneel before Your perfect presence, and yet I do understand that Christ died to pay the price for all my sins and all my impurities. Thank You, that by believing in Jesus Who died to pay the price for all my sins, You have washed me clean from every dishonouring act. Thank You, Father.

Help me Lord, to flee fornication and all the accompanying evils that flow from illicit sexual relationships and unclean thoughts, knowing that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who dwells in me and lives within my heart. Help me to keep my outward actions and inner thoughts pure before Your eyes, whether I am in the public view or hid in a secret place, and away from the gaze of the world's eye.

Purify the eyes of my heart and help me to keep the focus of my mind on the Lord Jesus, and develop in me I pray, thoughts, words, deeds and motives that are pure in Your sight and that will honour Your Holy name. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I pray for Your direction and guidance in protecting my eyes from seeing things that are not honorable to You or anyone else. I pray to always seek the way out. I pray my feet will run from temptation and my hands will guide me to Your Word.

I pray You will send me accountability partners (those people who are Christian, strong in their faith, of the same gender as me, who can encourage, support, pray, and help guide me in this walk of sexual purity). I pray You will cut those things out of my life that will cause me to stumble. I pray You will point those things out to me and give me courage, strength, patience, and integrity to do what is right in Your eyes.

I pray for wisdom and knowledge so I can protect my thoughts through Your Word, worship, and praise.

Lord, I pray for forgiveness for those times my eyes didn't honor Your creation. I ask for forgiveness when I have fallen into temptation. Help me to be reminded that I am forgiven and give me patience to continue to work and walk in this journey. Help encourage me when all I feel is failure. Help lift my eyes to You when all I want to do is focus on me.

I cancel those assignments against my future spouse, future children, and future generations. Help me set the foundation for lasting marriages and healthy families. I pray against the powers of darkness that seek to destroy Your will for my life. Help me to see How mighty You are. I pray all these things in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!