Prayer For Protection From Evil At Work

Everlasting God, I ask that You give me the confidence and strength to stick up for myself and what I believe in at work. I want to move up in my organization, but I do not want to compromise myself in order to do that. Jesus, protect me from the ungodly pressures that I could face in the workplace. Help me always remember You and Your way. Amen.

Jesus, I come in prayer to ask You for safety for my team and me at work today. While each of my workers risks their lives today, please keep them safe. Let today be a day of no injuries and no accidents. I have total confidence in Your protection, God. With You, there is nothing to fear. I love You. Amen.

Heavenly Father, the enemy is tempting me with fear by making my workplace somewhere I do not feel safe. Help me overcome this temptation with total faith and trust in You. God, I ask that You cast out all fear. I trust that You can keep me safe from wayward and jealous co-workers. Let me not worry about the day ahead, but feel at peace in the safety of Your arms. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Most Merciful God, You are with me, and You are mighty to save. Be my safety. I am not worried because I know You take great delight in me and rejoice over me with singing. You are the only protection I need. Jesus, be that protection for my co-workers and me today. Alone, we are vulnerable and weak, but with You, nothing can touch us. With You, we are safe. I love You, Jesus. Thank You for loving me. Amen.

Loving God, I ask that You be my protection at work today. Be present alongside me in the face of the danger and destruction I see every day. With You, God, I know there is nothing to fear. With You is the safest place to be, Lord, and I ask for Your presence. Help me rest in my knowledge of You instead of focusing on the feeling of fear in me. Thank You, Jesus, for Your goodness and past protection. Keep me safe today too. Amen.

Most Holy God, I ask that You keep me safe as I leave to serve my country and fight for the freedom of my people. I am nervous because there will be danger lurking all around me, but I know that You will be with me in danger. In the fear, Lord, help me throw off all the distractions and keep my eyes fixed on You. I pray, God, that You keep me safe enough that I can go home when this all over. Return me to my family, God. Amen.

Father God, my immune system is not the most reliable or strong. Because of that, it is very easy for me to get sick from someone else. God, while at work, please keep me safe and healthy. I am in close quarters with my co-workers, and I ask for Your protection against germs and illness. Lord, my body is weak, but You are strong. Please keep me healthy. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I am fearful of this public health crisis. I am doing my best to stay healthy, but as worldwide fear grows, so does mine. I am still expected to go into work as normal, even though so many others are being ordered to work from home. What if I get sick? What if my co-workers pass something along to me? God, keep me safe. I pray for the strength to trust in You in the face of fear and the discernment to know what fear is real and what is overstated. Thank You, God. Amen.