Prayer For Protection From Enemies At Work

Lord God, there is so much that is on the line while at work. It can be very confusing, as I must measure ethics against my ability to provide for myself and my family. In light of this tension, I approach Your throne to beg of Your courage to speak up when I see things that need to be addressed. Let me not fear retaliation, but only fear You. Whatever happens, I only ask that You continue to provide in Your good timing, through Christ, my Lord. Amen.

Father, my Miracle-Worker, I have been at this job for so long, and each day seems the same. There is nothing new under the sun. The same problems are still here. There are even worse now than when I first started. Yet, I know that with You there is always hope. You can transform any situation, and I ask for You to give me hope that You will do so hear. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

O God, my Strength, seeing the way people treat each other at work is so taxing. It is a rat race, where people gladly destroy one another to get ahead in the game. I want nothing to do with this soulless approach to work, and I ask that You not allow me to be sucked into it. Help me fight the good fight of faith. Strengthen my resolve to resist temptations to participate in such things. Amen.

Lord Jesus, my Refuge, every day I sit here at work and do the same thing. I feel so insignificant and burned out. I don't think I am making any difference or helping anyone. Yet, I know that You use people in the most unexpected ways. There is a purpose for why You still want me to work here, so I ask that You give me peace of mind to accept this and make the best of it. In Your compassionate name, I pray. Amen.

God of Enduring Faithfulness, You proclaim to us that Your ways are not our ways. You open doors and close doors according to Your purpose. It is all in Your timing. This is very hard for me, as I crave control over all things. Father, allow me to trust in Your timing with my workplace decisions. Do not allow me to lean on my understanding but allow me the confidence to trust in Your plan. Amen.

O Lord, Mighty in Power, I have had enough. I cannot bear being trampled on like I am nothing. I know that I must speak up and stand up for myself, but I lack the courage to do so. Lord, give me strength and courage. Allow me to boldly confront my workplace oppressors, so that I can make the best of my situation. Amen.

Lord Jesus, my Precious Savior, it is not easy dealing with toxic people. They are as cunning as snakes and often seek to betray You. Therefore, I ask that You give me the wisdom that it takes to interact with these kinds of people. Help me to walk with grace and humility, not out of pride, but in legitimate concern for their salvation. Help me to have a genuine love for them, no matter how they feel about me. In Your holy name. Amen.

My Righteous God, conflict is inevitable. This is even truer in the workplace where so much is at stake, and competition can be fierce. Tempers are sure to flare and people will blow up on each other. In the inevitable event that I run into conflict, let me handle it with grace and compassion. Give me the wisdom to navigate it in a way that honors You and keeps me free from sin. Lord, in Your mercy, hear my prayer. Amen.