Prayer For Protection For Family

Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, I come to You asking that You protect our family's finances through this uncertain time. Enable my spouse and I to work and provide for the needs of our family. Make us wise investors and guard the investments we have made and increase them. Protect us from any calamity that would interfere with our income or deplete our savings. Amen.

Trustworthy God, I intercede for my family, asking You to keep us safe from any accidents and injuries. Preserve us from falls, vehicular or bike accidents, burns, sports injuries, and any other type of mishap that could bring harm to our bodies. I thank You that You will not allow our feet to slip, that You are our Protector both day and night, and You watch over our coming and going. Amen.

God Most High, I come to You for protection from the devious schemes of the evil one. We know that he prowls about like a lion, looking for someone to devour. We know that he works to disrupt our family and distract us from You. Help us to use the spiritual armor You have equipped us with to fight his attacks, and to resist him so he will flee from us. Amen.

God of redemption, I ask that You guard my family against all deadly diseases, such as cancer or heart disease or dangerous infections. I ask that no evil disease will approach our home. I ask that You command Your angels to guard us in all our ways, and that all deadly sicknesses will be trampled under our feet. I ask that You grant us long life and be with us always. Amen.

Lord our Fortress, may we dwell in Your shelter against all danger of any kind. We take refuge in Your shadow and trust You to deliver us and cover us with Your feathers. Your faithfulness is our shield and our stronghold. We will not fear the terrors of the night, nor the dangerous things that fly at us in the day. We claim Your protection and will not fear disease or calamity. Amen.

All-powerful God, I ask that You deliver my family from all trouble and fears. Place a hedge of protection around me and my family, around our home and property, and around our workplaces and schools, and may we prosper in all our hands find to do. Be our defense from all harm and inconveniences. I thank You for Your peace and strength even in chaotic times. Amen.

God of Wonders, be our refuge against all illnesses in our family. Spread Your protection over our family, and guard us against viral, bacterial, auto-immune and genetic disease, and all other kinds of sickness. We love You, Lord; let us rejoice in You as we enjoy glowing health. O Lord, You are gracious and compassionate, and You provide for us lovingly. We thank You that You forgive all our sins and heal all our diseases. Amen.

Awesome God, I ask that You protect my family from making unwise decisions. First, as parents, may we be insightful in making decisions that affect our family's welfare and security. Help our children not to make rash decisions that would bring them or others to harm. I ask that discretion will protect us and that understanding will guard us. Help us not to forsake wisdom, but to love her and receive her watchful care over us. Amen.