Prayer For Protection From Bad Weather

Everlasting Lord, I pray that there be a way for all to have access to the assistance and help they need to deal with the aftermath of this natural disaster. Whether they need financial, medical, mental, or emotional assistance, God, make a way for these things to be accessible. No one expected this and we were not prepared. As so many people face so many hardships to rebuild their lives, please God, help ease those difficulties and any lingering fears and sadness. Amen.

Most Holy God, let us mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice. This is a time of both mourning and rejoicing as we are safe, but so many were not as fortunate. Help us know how to be grateful to You for our protection, but help us to also know how to mourn with those who have lost somebody. Give us understanding when others rejoice while we mourn, and patience while they mourn when we rejoice. Give us the wisdom to know how to do this, and to join in and comfort or praise. Amen.

All-powerful Father, as I see all of the destruction caused by this natural disaster, I mourn for all that has been lost and the fragility of this life. Lord, please be with those who lost somebody they love. Give them comfort. Lord, be with those who lost their home. Give them the necessary funds and assistance they need to rebuild. Lord, be with those whose jobs are to clean up the mess left behind by this disaster. Give them the endurance and strength they need to complete their responsibilities. God, let us come together as one body in You in this difficult hard time. Amen.

Father, please be with the government officials and those in charge of the aftermath of this natural disaster. Please give them the wisdom they need to know how to best move forward and how to create unity among the people. So much has been destroyed, God. Help them know what to do to help us rebuild. Help them know how to encourage generosity in this time of loss and help them bring us together. Amen.

Lord, we give thanks to You, for You are good; Your faithful love endures forever. When the winds and the waves rise, and we cringe in terror, we cry out to You in our distress, knowing You can calm the storm to a whisper and still the waves. Please draw near, and be our safety. We praise You for Your great love and the wonderful things You have done for us. Amen.

Good God, I pray that the weather and the natural disaster predicted to occur is not as bad as the news says it will be. Lord, I am afraid of what could happen. I am afraid for my safety, my comfort, my life, and the lives of those around me. Let me trust in You, however hard that feels right now. Remind me that whatever may come, You are faithful and You are in control. Please protect my city, my home, and my community. We need Your safety. Amen.

God, my Protector, I keep my eyes on You, through this furious storm. My soul trusts in You, and I know it will be well. I ask You to protect my home and my family from the elements. I rely on Your grace, Your mercy, and Your love. I ask that You will stretch forth Your hand and break the power of this mighty storm, for the wind and waves still know Your name. Amen.

Oh God, our Rock, You are our shelter when storms come our way. We are secure, no matter what news we hear of danger. You are our rock and our defense. We will not be alarmed or fearful. When the wind rages around us, we have our safe retreat in You. You alone are our refuge, be ever near us, we pray. Keep us safe through this time. Amen.