Prayer For Protection At Workplace

Lord Jesus, I am fearful of this public health crisis. I am doing my best to stay healthy, but as worldwide fear grows, so does mine. I am still expected to go into work as normal, even though so many others are being ordered to work from home. What if I get sick? What if my co-workers pass something along to me? God, keep me safe. I pray for the strength to trust in You in the face of fear and the discernment to know what fear is real and what is overstated. Thank You, God. Amen.

Heavenly Father thank you that you are with me. I come before you with the difficulties I am experiencing at work with my manager and my female colleague, always complaining how little work she has to the manager and same time taking all the work I have. The manager is always listening to her. Lord I choose to lean on you.


My Heavenly father, as I enter this workplace I bring your presence with me. I speak your peace, your grace, your mercy, and your perfect order in this office. I acknowledge your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and done within these walls.

Lord, I thank you for the gifts you have blessed me with. I commit to using them responsibly in your honor. Give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job. Anoint my projects, ideas, and energy so that even my smallest accomplishment may bring you glory.

Lord, when I am confused guide me. When I am burned out infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirit. May the work that I do and the way I do it bring faith, joy, and a smile to all that I come in contact with today.

Heavenly Father, the enemy is tempting me with fear by making my workplace somewhere I do not feel safe. Help me overcome this temptation with total faith and trust in You. God, I ask that You cast out all fear. I trust that You can keep me safe from wayward and jealous co-workers. Let me not worry about the day ahead, but feel at peace in the safety of Your arms. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Everlasting God, I ask that You give me the confidence and strength to stick up for myself and what I believe in at work. I want to move up in my organization, but I do not want to compromise myself in order to do that. Jesus, protect me from the ungodly pressures that I could face in the workplace. Help me always remember You and Your way. Amen.

Lord Jesus, when I am at work, I always feel like there is someone there who is out to get me. I'm not sure if this is a valid fear or not, but I bring it to You in prayer. Lord, I ask that You keep me safe under Your watchful eye while I am in my workplace. If my fear is valid, protect me. If it is not, please calm my nerves and bring me peace. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Most Holy God, I never thought that my workplace would be a place that I was afraid to go to. But lately, with everything happening in this country and all the shootings on the news, I am scared. Lord, please keep me safe from any sort of violence or mass shootings that could occur in my workplace. God, I ask for Your protection for my colleagues and me from something that sounds so crazy but has been happening so regularly. Please do not let it happen to us. Amen.

I confess that I do not have any types of issues at my workplace and I cover myself with the precious Blood of Jesus Christ I am safe and protected from all types of harm and evil people and I claim God is my refuge.

Let all the evil people encamping against my goodness become confused and be scattered in the Powerful Name of Jesus Christ. Let every evil tongue uttering curses and other evil pronouncements against my employment, work and against my life be completely silenced in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

In Jesus mighty name I cover myself and my workplace with the precious Blood of Jesus Christ and I bind up every demon in here and I ask the angels of God to protect me from all terrors ,disasters, every violence, injustice and from every evil and ungodly influence at my workplace. Holy Spirit protect me at all times and guide me. Amen.