Prayer For President Obama

Father, we pray today for Barack Obama as he takes office as President of the United States. We pray that you will show the glory of your name in our times and in these days, confounding the wisdom of the wise, thwarting the plans of the arrogant, and vindicating those who do justice and practice righteousness. Amen

Jesus, we pray for the safety of our president and his family. Prevent those who disagree with him from taking sinful and unlawful actions against him or his family. Please surround him with security teams that regardless of politics, will keep their pledge to protect the elected leader of the US. Keep close to the president those who offer godly counsel and wisdom according to your Word. Give him a listening ear and an open heart that is receptive. Amen

Father, I pray that you rebuke and dismantle satanic alliances and arrest them by the Spirit. Let every covert and/or clandestine effort and endeavor fail; send a spirit of confusion among them; let their tongues be divided; overrule and overthrow sabotage, subversions, and setbacks; disappoint the devices that they have crafted so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise! Cover President Obama with Your blood! In Jesus' Name! Amen

Dear God, Please bless our President and allow him to exact change in this country even though the opposition is fighting him at every turn! I decree and declare that no weapon that is formed against him will prosper! Let him know that every place that his feet touch, he will possess that land! Lord, thank you in advance for allowing him to be re-elected in 2012: as always, let this be a week of victory and not defeat; let the people have a heart of understanding and give them a spirit of discernment to see what is going on covertly! Thank you Lord for our President and thank God for all of your amazing blessings!

Father, I pray for protecton for our President as the nuts all around plot to take his life! Please keep him safe from all hurt, harm and danger! Cover his family and all within his team...let him safely travel the country and the world performing the job that you have entrusted to him. In this time of re-election, I declare that he will win a 2nd term in a resounding manner as we all know the plots that are out there to destroy his credibility! And I speak peace, hope, success, and victory into all that he does...Thank you God, for our President and God Bless this country!

Father in heaven, my prayer for our President today is that you will erect your hedge of protection around him! Keep him safe from all hurt, harm and danger! Let him remain humble, clothed in humility and close to you! Let him not sink to the level of his competitor in this Presidential election! Remind him that words are just that words and everything the enemy throws at him just returns to the sender. No weapon formed against him will prosper and every tongue that rises against him in judgement, You will condemn, Oh Lord. Let him continue on the path that You have set for him. Order his steps. Every time a challenge comes up, let President Obama respond by saying, "Praise God, I can beat this thing because I am an overcomer in Jesus!" As this election gets nearer to November 6th, reveal the devices of the enemy at every step and stop them cold in their tracks! And then we can celebrate and declare victory as President Barack Obama is re-elected as President of these United States! Hallelujah and Praise God!

Almighty Father, I lift our President up on this special day. First I pray your blessings on him and his wife as they celebrate 20 years of marriage! They have been a model in their relationship and has surely shown us how to love and support each other through good, bad, ups and downs! We are blessed as a result of having him lead our country at such a time as this. The enemy would say otherwise, but I counter attack the enemy with your word which says, no weapon formed against President Obama will prosper and every tongue that lies to destroy or discredit him will be refuted, struck down and shown to be a liar! Tonight is an important event in which 2 men will stand to debate as to why they deserve to be President! The fact of the matter is we have our man already in President Barack Obama! He has kept us from ruin and will continue in that direction as he is elected for another term! So Father God I ask you to dismantle evil powers working to frustrate his day, his assignment and his message tonight! Superimpose Your will over the will of evil spirits and evil men! Assign angels as divine escorts and supernatural security! Place Daniel's anointing for government, excellence and integrity on President Obama! Place Joseph's anointing for political, business, and economic leadership strategies on him! Place Joshua's anointing for warfare prosperity and success strategies on him! Place Esther's anointing for divine favor and kingdom strategies on our President! Let every word that comes from his mouth this evening be clear and let him thoughtfully deliver the words as only the anointing of the Holy Spirit can help him accomplish! Holy Spirit, lead and guide him in all truth. Order his steps according to Your Word and Your original plan and purpose for him tonight! Clothe President Obama with humility, empower him with self control, decisiveness, wisdom, integrity, vision, nobility, intelligence, knowledge, honesty, morality, grace, faith and holiness! Now God, I release the name, Barack Obama into the atmosphere. Please allow prayer warriors to pick his name up in the spirit realm and reinforce that hedge of protection around him and everything that is here in this prayer. Let the blessings that are associated with victory overtake him this day! Lord, I seal this prayer by declaring, "now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that President Obama could ask or think according to the power that is at work the only wise Hod, our Savior be glory and honor forever and ever! In Jesus' mighty Name, I pray....Amen....Hallelujah! Thank You God!

O Lord our Lord how excellent is Your Name in all the earth! At this perilous time in our country , our nation and our world please be with President Obama and all of our leaders as they come together to determine the needs of Your people! Let them not be about their own agendas! There are crises all around, but God there is nothing going on that you can't handle! Keep your hand of protection on our President and his family and keep Your hand on this nation! Let him look to you for direction and guidance and not let him lean to his own understanding! Let us all realize that only what we do for Christ will last! I give You the glory, the honor and the praise! In Jesus' mighty name I pray! Amen...