Prayer For Pride

Loving Lord,
Your love for me is nourishing and refreshing.
Your desire for me is to help me grow.
Your Word reminds me that you take joy in me.
You actually delight in me.
And I am learning to delight in you.

I pray this prayer by faith:

Today, my heart will grow in love, compassion, tenderness, and mercy.

I will dwell on godly thoughts.

My thoughts will be more pure, holy, and righteous than they were yesterday.

I declare that the pull of my sinful nature is fading.

Today I give my will to you, Lord, so that you can turn my heart in whatever way you desire.

I will make your desires my desires.

In the mighty name of Jesus I pray,


Dear Lord,

I am so full of thoughts of me and what I want.

My selfishness pulls on me to make sure that I am taken care of.

My selfishness is driving me to ungodly decisions and actions.

I need your help to change.


Miraculous Lord,

I come to you in prayer.

Change me, Lord.

Change me from the inside.

I will cooperate with you, Lord.

I will allow you to transform me.


Dear Lord,

You are the God above all gods. Your name is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. You sit on the throne of heaven. When YOU speak, who dare change your plans? When YOU move, who dare stop you?

Lord, I have knowingly and I have ignorantly come against your will and your ways. I have spoken words of total surrender to you, and yet I have been so ready to protect myself from godly advice and godly change. I have been so ready to defend myself against humility.

Open my eyes to the blessings of humility. Let me not see humility as the world sees it, but in its beauty and fullness of joy.

I am comforted with the knowledge that you are full of mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and love.



What man or woman can truly understand pride?

Who can truly see the extent that pride has infiltrated his or her life?

How can I ever see the extent that the choices I make have been influenced by pride?

Without receiving your wisdom, I will shove your agenda out of the way.

Without receiving your wisdom, I will be an instrument to wound other people.

Without awareness of what I am allowing, I am doomed to experience regret.

Thank you for your forgiveness, compassion, and mercy.

Thank you for cleansing my sins and for opening my eyes to see.


Please help me identify the events in my past that have caused me to privately crave admiration, acceptance and recognition.

Did I experience a lack of affirmation when I was growing up? Did I suffer from unkind words from others? Help me see who I need to forgive so I don't feel this need to put a wall of pride around my heart.

I know I don't have to be like this, and that the Holy Spirit will help me in the renewal of my heart and mind.

Teach me how to put on humility, gentleness and compassion every day, so I can become more like Christ and the desires of my heart will be more of a fragrant sacrifice to You, almighty God. Amen

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am sorry for all the times I have taken the glory that is rightfully Yours and turned it towards myself. I humbly repent of my sin and my pride.

Psalm 51:16-17 ESV For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

Thank you that You understand all my weaknesses even before I become aware of them myself and yet You love me so unreservedly! Amen