Prayer For Priestly Ordination Anniversary

We give you thanks, almighty and gracious God, that you have blessed us with the ministry and friendship of Pastor _____________, and we pray that s/he may continue to exemplify in word and deed the Gospel of your Son. Grant that we, with him/her, may serve you now in the Church on earth and rejoice before your throne in heaven forever; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

We thank you, almighty and gracious God, that you have fed us with the heavenly food of the body and blood of your Son, and have united us through him in the fellowship of your Holy Spirit. As you raise up faithful servants for the ministry of your Word and Sacraments, grant that we, with Pastor ____________, may joyfully serve you all our days and finally rejoice in your glory; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Mother of Mercy,
it was your Son Jesus who called us
to become like him:
light of the world and salt of the earth
(cf. Mt 5:13-14).

Help us,
through your powerful intercession,
never to fall short of this sublime vocation,
nor to give way to our selfishness,
to the allurements of the world
and to the wiles of the Evil One.

Preserve us with your purity,
guard us with your humility
and enfold us with your maternal love
that is reflected in so many souls
consecrated to you,
who have become for us
true spiritual mothers. Amen

God our Father,
You reveal your omnipotence in the superabundance of your mercy, poured forth into the world through the sacred wounds of your Son and our Redeemer.

We ardently pray that your sacred ministers may be clear reflections of your mercy. May they, with every word and deed of their life, illumine humanity disoriented by sin, and bring it back to you, who are Love.

We ask this, Father, through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen

Heavenly Father, grant that our priests be strengthened and healed
by the power of the Eucharist they celebrate.
May the Word they proclaim give them courage and wisdom.

We pray that all those whom they seek to serve
May see in them the love and care of Jesus,
Our Eternal High Priest, who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.

Mary, Mother of the Church, look tenderly upon your sons, our priests.
St Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, pray for us all.

Lord Jesus Christ, You love Your church and those called to share Your priesthood! With our love and prayers, we join You in asking our Heavenly Father to continue to pour out His gifts of holiness, compassion and zeal on your priests everywhere. Inspire each of them to offer his life as an "Ambassador of Christ", bringing reconciliation and healing to the world.

Mary, Mother of all Priests, inspire us to live in peace and joy and pray this prayer with us. Amen.

Father in heaven, bless and multiply Father (mention priest's name)'s ministry so that Your Church will multiply for Your glory and for our salvation. Please shower this priest with your blessings every day. We praise and thank You, most Holy God, for the gift of Father (mention priest's name)! We thank You for his years of service and ask You to bless us with many more years with our beloved priest. Amen.

Father in heaven, bless and multiply Father (mention priest's name)'s ministry so that Your Church will multiply for Your glory and for our salvation. Please shower this priest with your blessings every day. We praise and thank You, most Holy God, for the gift of Father (mention priest's name)! We thank You for his years of service and ask You to bless us with many more years with our beloved priest. Amen.