Prayer For President Trump

Encourage President Trump and give him diving boldness, courage and wisdom to hear your voice and follow your leading. And give him victory in Jesus' name. Amen

Thank you, God, for giving us President Trump as our leader. Thank you for his integrity, humility and for his faith in you. He has accepted your calling and taken responsibility to rid our country of its evil practices and people who so blatantly support evil in the government and in private practice. AMEN

Thank you for protecting his life, that no weapon formed against him shall prosper. His enemies hate him and want to destroy him, but I thank you for your divine protection and thank you for keeping him healthy and strong physically and free of disease. The stress he is under can cause breakdown but I pray you will give him divine emotional health. And thank you for giving him godly wisdom and understanding to solve the problems that our country and the world are facing. And may the people who profess to believe in you stand for righteousness and repent of sin and turn from evil ways so you can bless our nation and heal our land. AMEN

I pray that our leaders will always act with humility and generosity. I pray that my failings are forgiven. I pray that we will uphold our obligation to be good stewards of God's creation -- this beautiful planet. I pray that we will see every single child as our own, each worthy of our love and of our compassion. And I pray we answer Scripture's call to lift up the vulnerable, and to stand up for justice, and ensure that every human being lives in dignity. Amen

Our good, gracious, and sovereign God, we pray for the the President of the United States.
Grant him wisdom, courage, and integrity as a man and as a leader.
Keep him faithful, kind, and loving as a husband and father.
Give him a heart for the poor, concern for the powerless, and compassion for the weak.
Put before him the best information and the most intelligent counselors so he can make good decisions about economic policy and judicial appointments. Amen

May he be guided by both courage and restraint as he commands our armed forces.

Make him a defender of the unborn, a protector of marriage, and a champion for religious liberty.

Make him a man of prayer and a daily student of the Scriptures.

Give him humility to admit his faults, forgive his enemies, and change his mind. Amen

Lead him to a firm understanding of the truth of the gospel, a resolute commitment to obey the Word of God, and a passion to promote what accords with your truth.

By your grace, heavenly Father, may our President be a better man than so many expect and a better man than we deserve.

In the name of Jesus our Lord, let it be.

God Bless our President! May this be a week of victory and not of defeat; a week of blessings and not cursings! No weapon that is formed against him will prosper! Keep him safe from all hurt, harm and danger! God Bless our country and our first family! Amen