Prayer For Preschoolers

Father God,

Thank you for being beside me,
Thank you for this new school year.
Please be there to hold my hand,
Please help me to relax and enjoy the day.
Bring new friendships into my life,
Bring new possibilities to learn and grow.
Help me to pray in my heart to you if I am anxious,
Help me to remember that you are always with me.


Now, before I run to play,
Let me not forget to pray
To God who kept me through the night
And waked me with the morning light.
Help me, Lord, to love thee more
Than I ever loved before,
In my work and in my play
Be thou with me through the day.

Lord, bless my children's academic skills and efforts. I pray You would give each of them the desire to learn and the gift of knowledge. Help them excel in their strengths while persevering in their weaknesses. Do not let them become discouraged when they cannot grasp things with ease. Instead may they appreciate and store up the knowledge they gain. Amen

We give you our school.
We give you all the teachers and staff who work here,
We give you all the children who study here.
We pray our school would be place of great discovery,
adventure and creativity.
May it be a place where we love to learn and where we
learn to love,
A place where every one is respected and all are deeply
We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thank you for my family,
For hugs and kisses and special times together.
Thank you for my friends,
For laughter and chatting and sharing.
Thank you for my home,
For rest times, bath times and bed times.
Thank you for food,
For breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks and treats.
Thank you for playtimes,
For toys and games and books.
Thank you for fun,
For giggles and for silly happy times.
Thank you for making all these lovely things
And for helping me to enjoy them all.

Dear Lord Jesus. Thank you so much for all the precious children in this world. We know they mean so much to you. We pray you would help us do all we can to protect and give them the start in life they deserve. Lord we bring to you all of the wonderful work being done to release children from poverty, and we pray that you would bless every pair of hands that works for you. Increase and bless their efforts in Jesus name, Amen.

God, Sometimes I don't feel like talking about what's wrong. I just want to be mad or sad or frustrated. I would rather sit by myself. Sometimes, things feel too big for me to figure out. Sometimes, life seems really unfair. I need Your help, God. You are the only One who sees everything and knows everything. You are the only One who knows everything about me. Can You help me to trust You, today? Please teach me how to take what I feel and give it to You to sort out. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

God, please bless my school. Thank You for all of the teachers that work so hard to help us learn. Thank You for recess and lunchtime, when we get to play with our friends. Thank You for providing a place where we can learn more about the world You created for us to live in, and how it works. Please keep my school safe. Protect all of the grown ups and kids that come to school everyday. Protect us from harm, and help us to be kind to each other. In Jesus' Name, Amen.