Prayer For Preschool Parents

We dedicate them to Thee, O Lord. Do Thou keep them as the apple of Thy eye and protect them under the shadow of Thy wings. Make us worthy to come, at last, to heaven, together with them, giving thanks unto Thee, Our Father, for the loving care Thou hast had of our entire family, and praising Thee together through endless ages. Amen.

May your Holy Spirit help them to grow
in faith, hope, and love,
so they may know peace, truth, and goodness.

May their ears hear your voice.
May their eyes see your presence in all things.
May their lips proclaim your word.
May their hearts be your dwelling place.
May their hands do works of charity.
May their feet walk in the way of Jesus Christ,
your Son and our Lord.

Dear Lord,

Fill her (his) heart with peace,
Hold her (his) hand today,
Help him/her feel secure and loved,
Be with him/her we pray.
May him/her smile and make new friends
Paint and learn and play,
Bless the teaching staff who care
For little ones today.
Lift my heart to trust that he'll/she'll
Be overseen by you,
Father God cover us
On his/her first day at school.


Dear Father God,

Today, I ask You for godly, loyal friends for my child(ren). Friends who love purity, who are pure in heart, and gracious in speech, friends that will sharpen them and love them at all times. Please give my child(ren) a heart of compassion. Help him/her/them to see situations from every perspective and to treat others like they would want to be treated. Give him/her/them a friendly and kind spirit. May he/she/they welcome friends with a smile. God I pray my child(ren) would be wise when choosing friends. Give him/her/them discernment to find true friends and help them to build each other up. Give them the ability to say no when necessary and bravery to stand up for what is right. In Jesus name I/we pray, Amen.

Dear God, Father of heavenly lights, Giver of perfect gifts,

I give my child(ren) to you today and everyday. Keep him/her and his/her schoolmates safe and protected, Father God. I ask that this school year you would use every person, every experience and every lesson to shape him/her into Your image, to grow in his/her fruit of Your spirit. God, grow in his/her heart. Teach him/her to sacrifice like You did, giving up what he/she values for the good of others. Bless the teachers and administrators, God. Keep them safe. These men and women who have committed to invest in the next generation. Give them discernment and wisdom to see each student's unique abilities and gifts. Multiply their preparation and may their plans be fruitful. Fill the day with moments of wonder. Remind them of their special place in the lives of their students and give them confidence in their abilities. And for all the parents/grandparents, Lord, I pray for peace. Give us plenty to do so we don't have time to fret. Let us be extraordinarily grateful for the privilege of parenting. Fill us with wisdom as we watch our babies grow. Grant us patience and kindness as they stretch their wings. Hold us close to You as we learn to let them go. In Jesus name I/we pray, Amen.

Father, as much as I want my children to flourish in their educations, so much more do I want them to gain wisdom. Your Word teaches us that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor (Ecclesiastes 7:12), that wisdom is supreme (Proverbs 4:7) and the one who gets it will have great insight, able to understand what is right and just and fair. May wisdom enter into their hearts and knowledge be pleasant to their souls. May discretion protect them and understanding guard them (Proverbs 2:9-11). Amen

God, Thank You for my Mom. She helps me grow into the person You made me to be. Even though I don't always listen, I love her everyday all of the time. Just like You love us. She loves me even when I have good days, and when I'm bad. Help me to be obedient, even when she tells me to do something I don't want to do. Thank You for my mom. Bless her to know how much I love her. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

God, Thank You for my Dad. He guides me in life by his example and his helping hand. He teaches me how to do things and helps me with my homework. He works hard at his job for our family, and makes me laugh. Thank You so much for my dad. Please bless him, God and let him know how much I love him. In Jesus' Name, Amen.