Prayer For Praise And Worship Leader

May our worship convey that You are the undisputed supreme priority of our lives and that You will be our God and our mission forever.

May our passion for You and our pastoring of your people be firmly rooted in uncompromised authenticity, demonstrating compassion to the weak, generosity to the needy and fairness in the treatment of people.

May the worship that we lead be a favourable avenue for You to reveal Your awesome power, heal the sick, lift up the lowly, restore the broken, comfort the hurting and bless Your Church.

May our worship invite your grace to move in our lives and cultivate resilience during temptation, repentance during sin, forgiveness during hurt, trust during disappointment, fortitude during suffering and prayer at all times, shaping us to become imitations of You.

May our music, songs, art and other vehicles of worship express thanksgiving, praise, devotion, adoration, reverence, honour, blessing, awe and everything else that is rightfully Yours in a manner that pleases You and edifies Your Church. Amen

Dear Lord

We thank you for the marvellous, life-transforming revelation of who you are: the Only True God. How wondrous it is that you choose to grant us glimpses of Your magnificent glory that is radiant in holiness, every time we worship you! We are ever grateful that you bless our efforts to worship You with the sacred seal of Your Presence despite our imperfections.

We rejoice in the privilege of being Your worshippers and are immensely humbled that You called us into this ministry of helping others to worship You. Amen

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for all of those who have gone before and led Your people in worship. I praise You for their example. I praise You for Ezra and how he led Your people in worship after the temple was rebuilt. I praise You for the example of Your servant David and how he danced in the streets in worship of You. I pray that You would make my heart and the hearts of these people dance for You. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You will be with me today and give me the strength and energy I need to lead our church in worship. I want to remember all that I have done in preparation for this worship and lead them well. Thank You for giving us the chance to meet and worship You in Your Spirit and in Your truth. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Holy Father in heaven, thank You for Your faithfulness given to us in Your own Word. These hold great and precious promises that we can cling too. It is only by Your Word that we know we can trust Your faithfulness, so help us and our worship leaders stay faithful to You and to Your Word so that we can be empowered to live a life that is more pleasing to You. When we worship together, help us, as the body, and those who are leaders, stayed focused on glorifying You and in being faithful to what is revealed in Your written Word, the Bible. May we all be faithful to its teachings and for the glory of the name by which we pray, Jesus Christ, amen.

Alpha and Omega,
Beginning and end
of all things,
In your name we gather,
At your feet we bow.
Shield and defender,
Tower of refuge
for the weary,
In your name we worship,
At your feet we bow.

This earth, full of your glory,
praises your name
through unspoken words of beauty and peace,
reveals your love
through hand of stranger and gift of grace.
This earth, full of your glory,
praises your provision
through living water and food to eat,
reveals your Word
through daily blessings and breath of life.
This earth, full of your glory,
praises your name.

Righteous Father God, I pray for our worship leaders and also those who are leaders in other areas like Sunday school and administrative positions, but for now, I ask you to help our worship leaders focus on what You desire and that is that You be glorified in our worship services as we worship You. I pray we worship You in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) so we can bring glory to You through our praises and thanksgivings. Please help your Spirit enable those who lead our worship services to seek to give You the credit for all we do and to help us focus on Your desire to be glorified and in His name we pray to seek more glorify for this, Jesus Christ, amen.