Prayer For Peace In Home

We accept that we cannot fix the problems in our homes by ourselves. However, with your help, not only can it be fixed but totally cured. Help us to reflect on ourselves and to do the things to make the necessary corrections in our lives.

Let this be the beginning of our homes being a true reflection of you to the world.

Lord, we pray for peace, love, and understanding within the walls of our homes and the relationships within them. For this, we say thank you! In Jesus' NameAmen!

O Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, Virgin of Antipolo, look kindly upon the needs of your children, as we journey to our home in heaven. For you, O Mother, know full well what it is to travel on the road.

From that room in Nazareth where you received the joyful news from the angel Gabriel, you taught us the generosity of a Christian obedience that surrenders and entrusts all to Divine Providence.

In your journey to that stable in Bethlehem on that first Christmas night, you taught us how to treasure in our hearts the overwhelming graciousness of Our Father.

In your flight to Egypt with your newborn, you taught us the quiet courage that springs from a firm faith in God, even in the face of great danger and suffering.

In that sorrowful climb up to Calvary on that fateful Friday afternoon, you taught us how a human love can rise to greater heights by self-giving and forgiveness when transformed and united to ineffable Divine Love.

O Mother, you give us so much hope and encouragement by your example of filial love and discipleship. As you accompanied Christ in your journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, from Egypt to Galilee and finally to Calvary, you discovered the loving presence of God in ever new ways.

O Mother, as we undertake our own journey on this road, accompany us in our discovery of God in our lives and in the lives of other people. Make us see him with the eyes of our hearts, and help us to know Him and to grow deeper in His love through life's joys and pains. And at our journey's end, lead us to the doorsteps of heaven and bring us to your Son Jesus who has secured and prepared for us a place in our Father's home.


Dear Lord,

I pray for marriages all around the world. I pray for peace in every home. Lord, I pray that husbands and wives would be able to communicate in a loving way, seeking harmony in every situation. I pray for the walls in their hearts to come crashing down so that intimacy will thrive. My hope is for couples to draw closer together more than they ever have before and to know confidently that it is only perfect peace is only possible with You.

In Jesus' name, AMEN!

We beseech You, O Lord,
visit this home,
and drive far from it all the snares of the enemy;
let Your holy angels dwell therein
so as to preserve us in peace;
and let Your blessing be always upon us.
Through Christ our Lord.


Gracious God, give us the ability to allow only the peace of Christ to rule in our hearts, because we know that as members of Your body we are called to peace. Help us to be a thankful family (Col. 3:15). Amen

Lord, please give us strength not to be anxious about anything. Help us to remember in every circumstance to pray with thanksgiving so that Your peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Help us to keep our focus only upon whatever is lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. As a family, we want to do only the things we learn, receive and hear from You so that Your peace will be with us (Phil. 4:6-9). Amen

Dear Lord, forgive me for being quarrelsome and ungrateful sometimes. Help me to be an agent of love in my home. Your Word says blessed are the peacemakers. I want to be a peacemaker in my home. Change my heart that I might be calmer and more respectful to those closest to me.

In Jesus' Name,


Gracious Lord, I am here on my knees begging you to bring peace into my home. I ask that you send your angels down to protect us and keep us safe. Lord, allow us to trust one another and allow us to be vulnerable with one another. Allow us the right words to speak and true feelings to share.

I am patiently waiting for you to grant me this request. Help us to love you more, love one another under you and love our children with all our hearts. Please cast away all negativity so that we can love one another as you love us. Guide us and teach us how to love as you love. In your son Jesus' name I pray. Amen