Prayer For Peace In Marriage

Father, anoint my husband with Your peace, allowing Him to function in it at all times and in every way. Amen

Dear God, We praise you for your love and faithfulness. We thank you for huge grace. We thank you that you give us the power to love well. Thank you for the gift of marriage. We ask that you would make us more like you. Please fill our marriage and lives with truth and cover it with blessing. Amen

Faithful and almighty God, none of life's circumstances stymie you. Your Spirit penetrates any challenge and transforms any situation. Remind us, especially during these holy days, that the same Christ who exited the tomb first drained the cup of suffering. You walk with us through life and death. You know our fears. You understand our marriage quarrel. You identify with our wrestlings. Help us to have peace.
In your name I pray, Amen.

May the peace of Christ become the contagion of our lives as we love in word and deed. Pour out your Spirit on us so we might overflow in unmistakable witness to those around us.

In the name of our Redeemer God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, I pray for your peace to rule richly in my marriage and in my home. You said in your Word that the peace you give passes all understanding. I receive that peace right now. I choose to let the peace of Christ rest in my heart. As the peace of Christ rest in my heart, it will extend to my marriage. Amen

God of Hope, fill us with joy and peace as we trust in You, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 15:13). Amen

Lord, I pray for your peace to rule richly in my marriage and in my home. You said in your Word that the peace you give passes all understanding. I receive that peace right now. I choose to let the peace of Christ rest in my heart. As the peace of Christ rest in my heart, it will extend to my marriage.

Lord Almighty, we know that in this world there will be trouble, but we give You thanks that we can take heart in knowing that You have overcome the world so that we may have peace in the midst of it (John 16:33).

Holy Spirit, we submit our minds to Your control, so that You will give life and peace (Rom. 8:6). Amen