Prayer For Peace In A Relationship

Today I pray for all those with troubled work relationships. May you find peace and harmony at work and experience your work relationships in the best possible way.

I pray that you will no longer experience fear. I pray that you will be skilled at negotiating your working relationship for the success and development of yourself and your team.

I pray that your experience at work today will be peaceful and dignified and that you may be favored and valued.

I pray that you will acknowledge fully how you may be attracting negative relationships into your work life and change your energy vibrations so that you attract relationships that work well for you. Amen

I pray that neither violence nor harm will come to you today. I pray that you will begin to expect great things from those you work with and that you intentions for your working relationships maybe what it is supposed to be relationships that are respectful, dignified, collaborative, encouraging, developing, and productive.

I pray that you will not become changed or defined by any negative experience you encountered at work. I pray that you will remain your authentic self and shine your light bright in this world.

I pray that you will find love in your heart for those who treat you poorly. I pray that your love will heal your relationships and that you will find the courage to express kindness, forgiveness and grace.

I pray that today your enemies may become your advocate, defenders and champions. Amen

Dear God, I ask that you please heal the damage that has built up through the long struggle my partner and I have been through in our relationship. Please bless us both with the wisdom to take the knowledge of what we've done wrong and use it to make things better. Lord, let love suffuse our relationship. Let it fill every corner of our lives, healing the rift between us. Help my partner and I to love one another as Christ loves the Church, as you love your human children: unconditionally and respectfully. Amen

Dear God, Please make of our relationship a great and holy adventure. May our joining be a sacred space. May the two of us find rest here, a haven for our souls. Remove from us any temptation to judge one another or to direct one another. We surrender to You our conflicts and our burdens. We know You are our Answer and our rock. Help us to not forget. Thank you, dear God, You who are the cement between us. Thank You for this love.

Dear Lord, I offer you this prayer, to help me with my current relationship situation. Please take away all the pain and hurt in my heart. Fill it with love, joy, patience, and understanding. Bless me and my partner, so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that come our way. Fill our hearts with love for each other, and may you make each one of us realize each other's worth. Please touch the heart of my partner,fill it with much love for me. Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. I seek for your mercy and blessing that you may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us. Lead us not into temptations. Guide us wherever we go. Always put us in each other's heart and mind. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer.

Glorious Prince of Peace, one Day you will reconcile wolves and lambs, leopards and goats, calves and lions. Until that Day, give us the desire, humility, and power to live as a people of peace. For your glory, and by your grace, free us to live as agents of your reconciling love. Life is just too short to get and stay mad. Melt our hearts; heal our relationships. So very Amen we pray, Lord Jesus, in your peerless and peace-full name. Amen

Dear Lord Jesus, this Scripture is so heart encouraging and hope fueling. You came into our world heading for Calvary via Bethlehem. You came as the ultimate Peacemaker and Peace-preacher. Advent has, yet again, stirred our affections for you and adoration of you. Thank you for being the hostility-destroying, enemy-reconciling, relationship-healing Savior.

First and foremost, we bless you for securing us in a vital and inviolate relationship with God. Because of your finished work, we no longer live with fear and doubt about what God thinks about us. Not only do we presently enjoy unbroken access to our Father, but also we are assured of his perpetual favor, great delight, and constant pursuit. Even when he must discipline us, our Father does so with a heart of love, not disgust or aggravation. There's no peace like peace with God. Amen

Lord God, I pray you grace me with your holy spirit and ease my mind of the negative thoughts in my current relationship that trigger my insecurities, restless heart and mind due to my past relationship experiences. Help me to trust in you and leave things in your hands.

To understand and accept it is your will and not mine, I am not in control. To act/react calmly in all situations that are beyond my control. I pray that I learn to see things for what they truly are and no longer reflect those things from my past to bring anger, anxiety and darkness into my current relationship.

I your precious name I pray, Lord Jesus Christ. Amen