Prayer For Peace And Comfort

God of wisdom,
Bless medical scientists and researchers around the world
With insight and skill, dedication and fortitude,
As they combat coronavirus,
So that their work yields knowledge and understanding,
Speedily finding a vaccine, treatments and deterrents to its spread.

Source of life,
Grant public health and government officials
The strength to act swiftly and decisively,
With compassion and understanding,
In service to humankind,
Fighting this outbreak
And the other diseases that still plague the planet,
Diseases threatening the lives of our brothers and sisters,
Nations and communities,
Young and old.

Rock of Ages,
Bring an end to disease and suffering,
So that all may know
Your compassion and Your grace.

May it be Your will,
Our God,
God of our fathers and mothers,
That we go in peace
And return in peace,
Safe from the ancient hazards of travel
Enemies, thieves, ambushes and wild beasts
And safe from modern perils
Plane crashes and traffic wrecks,
Scammers and con artists,
Infectious disease and quarantine
So that our travel serves it highest purpose,
And we reach our destination and return home
In joy, life and health.
Grant us grace in Your eyes
And in the eyes of all whom we meet.

Please send forth your protective angels to stand guard over me as I sleep. May your angelic army destroy all curses, hindrances and demonic influences that have been sent against my ability to experience a peaceful night's rest. I ask that your heavenly host protect me as I stay awake and watch over me as I sleep, that awake I may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace. Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus, as I rest in the comfort of your love, I ask to experience your gentle embrace as you tenderly wrap your loving arms around me. I trust your compassionate care will bring peace to my mind, serenity to my heart and renewal to my spirit.

In your loving embrace, I ask that you grant me a peaceful night's rest. Please purify my dreams, cleanse my subconscious and wash my thoughts with the purity of your infinite love. Please minister to my heart, mind, body, soul and spirit as I rest in your compassionate care tonight. AMEN

In the mighty name of the the lord Jesus Christ our lord and savior,

I pray for my mother to have good health, peace, love, wisdom and prosperity in her life from now and forever.

I pray that she is happy healthy, loving and prosperous and has happiness and love wisdom for the herself and family.


Come dress me Lord in comfort. Give me new shoes, so that my feet might tread steadily across this difficult life terrain. Give me new clothes, so that my vulnerability is covered, my soul protected at this turbulent time. Give me a new crown, perfect to my size, unique and real, one that reminds me of who I am in this season. Come shower me Lord with peace. Cleanse me with grace, may it fall softly upon each moment, bringing restoration in these harsh days. Come shower me Lord with peace. Refresh me with hope, may clean dew pour into every shadow of despair that I endure. Come shower me Lord with peace. Refill me with faith, may it overflow in my soul and rise high in my heart. Lord, thank you that you are my comfort and my peace. Amen.

Heavenly Father, release Your peace into my life. Let it infiltrate into my heart, into my soul and into my mind. Father, the noise that surrounds me is unbearable at times. It exhausts me to the point where I feel uneasy and spiritually drained. Rescue me from the darkness of this world that attempts to drown You out.

Pierce through the walls of deception and speak to me, Lord. I yearn to hear Your roar! Fill me with all joy and peace that by your Holy Spirit I may abound and grow in hope and love.

Dearest Lord, at this time, my mind is not at peace and my heart is troubled. Inside of me, it feels like a raging storm with no signs of stopping any time soon. My concerns are getting too great for me to handle. The things I have to deal with are taking a huge toll on my mind and heart. There are even times that I cannot sleep soundly at night. My fears and what ifs keep bombarding my mind, stealing the peace and gladness I once had.

I need that kind of peace that rules over my mind despite all the troubles I have. That can only come from You, Lord. Hold me in Your arms and comfort me. I cannot go through all of this on my own, but I know that with You, nothing is impossible. Always remind me that You are always there beside me, God, wherever I am and whatever comes my way. AMEN