Prayer For Peace And Guidance

Father, I trust that you don't want me to waste a moment of my life fretting. Please calm my racing heart and fill my troubled mind with hope and my spirit with peace. Assure me that no weapon formed against me will prosper and you have a plan and a purpose for me in this time of turmoil.

Show me your ways Lord and grant me the courage to follow where you lead. Amen.

Lord, I know that Satan created the spirit of fear, anxiety, doubt, and worries to torture and entrap my mind and rob me of my joy, peace, and sleep. When what-ifs wake me in the dark of night, please help me to denounce Satan and remember 1 Peter 5:7 where you say internal peace is as simple as casting all my anxiety on you because you care for me.

I am comforted that you see into the depths of my heart and the intricacies of my mind where unhealthy fears dwell. You already know what's troubling me, but you want to hear me share my concerns with you to release the stronghold grip they have on my thoughts and emotions.


Father, I am thirsty and I look to You to give me emotional strength, spiritual insight, and physical stamina when things around me seem to be drying up. Thank You, Father, that Your gentle care covers all of me. Help me to depend on that care today and to thank You for it! Thank You, that You are my anchor. Father, help me to praise You with awe and wonder as I trust in Your love for me. I pray this in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

Father, please grant me peace of mind and stop my worries lead my faith in you to quiet my anxiety. Please let those who speak of me speak with Christ in their hearts. Lord, please let those who hear, see, or come in to contact with me do so with Christ in their hearts. I love you and I am sorry for my sins, my failings, and my time apart from you. Father, I love you and am humbled by your love of me. Lord, please guard and guide me through my struggles, insecurities, anxiety, faith, life, and work. I am yours my lord and I am in urgent need of you. Father, thank you for the gift of eternal life. Forever yours with mind, body, and soul. Amen.

Lord God, in this moment of distress and uncertainty, I ask for Your wisdom and guidance to shine down on me. Help me to understand what Your plan is for my life and how to make it happen. God, I ask You to give me peace as I move forward in this world. Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray that you guide me through my tribulations and my challenges I face every single day. I ask you Lord Jesus to guide me and help to become a better person and to acknowledge my well being and understand my own self. Lord I beg of you to grant me the peace in my life I deserve and to overcome my weaknesses. Walk with me through my faith and guide me to your place of knowledge,be with me in everything I do and everywhere I go. You are rock and my salvation,my keeper and my shepherd,only you know the journey must thread. Lord Jesus,teach me to love and be grateful and appreciative for the everything you have done for me in my life,teach me to know you better and draw closer to you more and more everyday. I love you Lord and I'm willing to change my life around to endure the peace in your Holy sanctuary,in Jesus` name,Amen.

Dear Lord, I am calling upon you today for
your divine guidance and help. I am in crisis
and need a supporting hand to keep me on the
right and just path.

My heart is troubled but I will
strive to keep it set on you, as your infinite wisdom
will show me the right way to a just and right resolution.
Thank you for hearing my prayer and for staying by my side.


Almighty Lord and everlasting God,
we ask you to direct, sanctify and govern both our hearts and bodies
in the ways of your laws and the works of your commandments;
that through your most mighty protection, both here and ever,
we may be preserved in body and soul;
through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.