Prayer For Peace And Harmony

God my Father, Jesus told us that we would have trials, troubles, and tribulation in the world but He has overcome the world and brought the possibility of having peace through Him. I ask You to give us all peace of mind to know that You are never going to forsake us or leave us (Heb 13:5), knowing Your love never fails and You never give up on us. Even though I have forsaken You at times, You never forsake me. I have been unfaithful at times but You are always faithful. Thank You for Your Great Son Jesus Christ Who made it possible for us to have peace with You O God. By His paying the ultimate price, we don't have to, even though we deserve it. You are so patient, even when I am not. You are so longsuffering even when I'm not. How can I ever truly thank You with mere words but let me offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving (Lev 7:11, 13; 22:29) which You accept and in Jesus' glorious name I pray, amen.

I would like all to join me in a petition for peace. Let us focus our minds on gathering together peacefully our right choice and for the next President of our beautiful Guyana. Dear God! Help us to be patient in long lines and courteous to volunteers on Election Day. Let none of us thrust our agenda upon others, but let us seek to be peacemakers on the day that will determine the future of our country. Let us use knowledge, wisdom, and discernment as we approach our voting places and be ever mindful of the decision we make and how it will affect the future of our nation. And as we walk away from the voting places, let us be prayerful for the man who will be selected as our choice for the next President of the Republic of Guyana. Whoever it will be, let it be well with our souls.

Dear God, who has given us this good land of our heritage, we humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of thy favour and glad to do thy will. Bless our land with honourable industry, sound education, and pure manners and respect. Save us from violence, discord and confusion. Endure with the guidance of wisdom to those whom in thy name we entrust the authority of leadership of Government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience of thy laws, we may show forth thy praise amongst our people of faith.

Holy Spirit, You dwell in the hearts of the baptized. Please stir the hearts of Johnnie and Lexie and move them toward understanding, compassion, and love, for each other and for Lisel who is in need of freedom from stress and anxiety. Give them the Understanding that Jesus wishes his followers to live harmoniously together, thinking only of God and others. Show them how to die to themselves, putting aside selfish needs and desires. Fill them with Your Joy at the prospect of creating a self-sacrificial environment in which the deep abiding Peace that Jesus gave reigns. Lord, I thank you for what You have accomplished within this family and what You are doing right now. I trust in You, Jesus and believe that You will work this situation to the good, in keeping with Your Father's will. I praise you Jesus for sparing the life of my precious niece, Lisel. She is Your faithful servant who always seeks to bring souls to You. I am grateful that she will be allowed to continue this work. Jesus, I ask that Your Flame of Love burn brightly in the hearts of this family, including Johnnie, Lexie, Dan, Lisel, Donna, Jessica, Barbara, Meg, and Sarah. May Your Will be done. Amen.

God, we claim your promises, and we stand on them. We believe that peace in the family is possible. You word states all things are possible! So, plant in their heart an unconditional love they do not understand. Help them love even when they have been wronged. Help them shine your love in their actions. Because love is more than just a feeling. It is the very essence of you! Also, we know that love with conditions will never last. Love with conditions only cares if specific requirements are met. Love without conditions does not care if they are met or not. It loves regardless! Help my family and all families have peace by loving the way that you do. That is the only accurate way to have peace. Thank you, Lord, in advance for hearing this prayer for peace in the family. In Jesus Precious and Holy Name. AMEN.

Dear Lord,

I come before you humbly today with a prayer for peace in the family. Lord, you know more than anyone that my family is a gift right from your very own heart. Help me understand this gift that you have given me. You have meant for my home to be a place of peace. It is not your will for it to be a place of heartache and daily stress. Help each family member in my household function the way that you would have us to. We know that in this world we will never be able to escape trouble but remind us that you overcame it! As we submit to you, we can also be overcomers in the power of your might and strength. AMEN

It is really easy to live at peace with peaceable people, people who are mannerly and kind, and make an effort to do the right thing. But it does take a lot sometimes to live with the unlovely and to be kind to difficult people.

But you know, God doesn't call us to love the lovely. When Jesus came to the earth, he often ate with the publicans, the tax collectors, and all the unruly folk of his time. My goodness, even his very disciples were very rough people!

But what did Jesus do? He made friends with them. And by making befriending them, he won many hearts to God's goodness and grace.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it; you shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two great commandments. (Matthew 22: 37-40)

Good and gracious God,
who loves and delights in all people,
we stand in awe before you,
knowing that the spark of life within each person
is the spark of your divine life.

Differences among cultures and races are
multicolored manifestations of your light.
May our hearts and minds be open to celebrate
similarities and differences among our sisters and brothers.

Please send your healing and reconciling Spirit in order to bind
the wounds created by racism and racial hatred,
and to promote understanding, justice, and love.

We place our hopes for racial harmony in our committed action
and in your living presence in our neighbor.

May all peoples live in peace!