Prayer For Peace And Healing

Lord, quiet my raging emotions so that I can be a beacon of healing love and peace to those in my sphere of influence who are overwhelmed by panic and fear. Please help me memorize John 14:1 to share with others who ask me where my peace comes from: Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. These are the words that your Son Jesus spoke to His disciples to comfort them and they also give me comfort when I don't know how the story ends.
Use me Lord as your disciple to bring healing to a hurting world. I love you Lord, Amen.

Your answer isn't always what I want to hear, or the option I was hoping for, but whatever it is I will give you the glory because regardless of the outcome my eternity is with you. Thank you Lord, for your Son, Jesus Christ, enduring the brutal cross for victory over our sins and sicknesses. I claim that victory in my life and for my loved ones. Amen.

Lord, it saddens me that many people don't understand the power of prayer and even mock me for taking my worries to you in prayer. So I pray first for those who do not believe in you. Where is their hope?

I'll admit that sometimes you seem silent when I so desperately want to hear from you. It's torture waiting on you, and yet I will wait because I know my prayers are not in vain. I don't know if the latest crisis will affect my family or me, but you are omniscient Lord, so I pray that you will spare us.

But if fallout touches any of my loved ones, please comfort them with your healing balm. Sometimes our own choices can put us at risk. So Lord, I pray that we would all be judicious in our actions and interactions.

I can remain in perfect peace because I put my future in your capable hands. Amen.

O God, who would fold both heaven and earth in a single peace:

Let the design of your great love lighten upon the waste of our wraths and sorrows:
and give peace to your Church, peace among nations,
peace in our dwellings, and peace in our hearts:
through your Son our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

Lord, I also pray that I may not be overpowered by this illness. Instead, let this be an opportunity for me to depend on You for healing. Let your hand be upon me, Lord, that whatever infected my body would go away. Would you also bless the doctors who would facilitate my recovery, as well as the medicine they prescribe. Empower them to work towards the goal of bringing me back to health.

Also, I know, God, that Your healing may not come as immediately as I may want. As this illness runs its course, always remind me, Lord, that You are always here with me. Be my comfort in this time of weakness. Restore my strength soon, Lord, that I may continue to serve You the best way I can. In Your Name, I ask all these things, Amen.

May I be at peace.

May my heart remain open.

May I be aware of my true nature.May I be healed.

May I be a source of healing to others.

May I dwell in the Breath of God.

We thank you, Lord, for the gospel the good news of Jesus, and His life, death, resurrection and ascension.

We pray that the saving message of love, hope, forgiveness and salvation in Him may go forward to all parts of the UK in the power of your Spirit.

Lord, we ask that many will encounter you for the first time and that others may have a fresh knowledge of your love and grace.

Move in our nations in saving power, we pray.

In Jesus' name

All mighty God, rich in love and full of tenderness. We pray for all those who feel wounded, weary and broken. For the bereaved, the anxious and the isolated.

We unite our hearts with them in tears of lament. God come in power, God have mercy, God bring healing, may the oil of your love bring peace.

In Jesus' name