Prayer For Peace After Death Of Loved One

God of comfort and hope,
May I find peace and relief from my suffering in your promises.
You assure me of your presence in the darkest night.
You present me hope in times of despair.
You promise me life beyond death.
Be still my soul and know that you are my God. Amen.

Creator and Guide,
As you crafted earth from nothing and hung stars in the heavens,
so carve my path through the dark times of mourning and grief.
Watch over my steps, steady my walk,
make straight my roads.
Be close to me in my time of need,
Both now and forevermore. Amen.

Oh Righteous God,
Bring relief from the pain and suffering of my life.
Help us to look to you to show us good in the midst of bad.
Let your face shine on us. Bring hope and joy to my heart once again.
Allow my sleep to one again be peaceful.
Let me dwell with you in safety. Amen.

Jehovah Jireh, there is none like You. Every day I want to praise and worship Your glorious name. Today I weep at the death of my friend/family/loved one.
But Blessed Father, I can rest assured knowing You are there for me. I know I can find comfort and peace within You, in the midst of my tears and grief. Lord, I shout Your praises, because You have turned my mourning into dancing.

But Blessed Father, I can rest assured knowing You are there for me. I know I can find comfort and peace within You, in the midst of my tears and grief. Lord, I shout Your praises, because You have turned my mourning into dancing.But Blessed Father, I can rest assured knowing You are there for me. I know I can find comfort and peace within You, in the midst of my tears and grief. Lord, I shout Your praises, because You have turned my mourning into dancing.


Our hearts are bruised, we are anxious, we are worried about the ones we love, we are saddened by the lives lost.

Thank you that we can be honest before you. You know us and you have entered into our woundedness. You see our frailty and continue to love us.

You alone are our hope, our strength, our counsellor. Jesus you are our shield in the storm.

Pour the oil of healing upon us, have mercy, comfort the sick and bring peace to those in sorrow.

In Jesus' name

Lord, it is easy to become distant, to harden our hearts. For some of us it is a way of coping with today. Vulnerability causes pain so we choose to distance ourselves.

Thank you, Lord, that you never become distant or apathetic. You never grow weary of loving. Even when we harden our hearts you lean and breath love over us.

We choose today to pray for the weak, the struggling, the suffering, the lowly and the poor of spirit. May they know your love and mercy today.

In Jesus' name

Lord, you stood outside the tomb and wept. Lord, you stood in the midst of the city and wept tears for the mourning, the broken, the hopeless, the lost. Were they silent tears, falling from your eyes and your broken heart?

Lord of compassion, we ask that you would you weep with those who weep, comfort the mourning, put together the broken, bring peace to the hopeless, and find the lost.

Lord of comfort, strength, love and victory, reveal your grace.

In Jesus' name


Thank You for teaching us to trust. Help us to learn that vital and peace-bringing grace. As they face their own struggles both publicly and privately, both in the congregations they serve and the communities they minister and live in, may they model in words and attitudes that they trust You. And may their hearts find joy and peace in the conviction that You do not change, that Your love is everlasting, that Your Words are cemented, that Your Family is forever, and that their faith is not misplaced. Thank You, our God, for securing our eternal trust. We trust You and therefore know all will ultimately be well.

In Jesus Name,