Prayer For Peace After Death

Merciful Father,
In the despair of my agony and grief,
I cry out to you. I beg you to hear my prayers.
The most difficult thing that I do is wait.
I wait for the hurt to go away.
I wait for my heart to feel better.
I wait for my sorrow to be gone.
Instead, O LORD, let me wait on you.
Help me put my hope in you and your promises. Amen.

O LORD who knows all,
You know my thoughts and my words.
You know the sadness of my days.
You know the struggles of my soul.
You have searched me through and through.
Strengthen me in my time of sorrow.
Give comfort to my moments of turmoil.
Restore my peace. Amen.

Loving Father,
to you the dead do not die
and, in death, our life is changed
- not ended.
We believe that all that binds us together
in love and friendship
does not end with death.
Hear our prayers for _____
who has died.
As you have made each of us
in your image and likeness
and have called us by name,
hold him/her safely in your love
in your kingdom
of light, happiness and peace.

your Son declared "blessed"
all those who mourn,
knowing that no one can mourn
unless they love very much.
Bring courage and strength
to those who now mourn
because they have loved greatly.
In your loving kindness
bring them healing and inner peace,
and lead the one they mourn
into your kingdom
of light, happiness, and peace. Amen.

Lord, we thank you that you are the one who never leaves us. You are utterly faithful in times of sorrow and joy. On mountain top or deepest valley, you lead and sustain us; you are our Shepherd

We pray for those who face greatest challenges in this season: those with underlying health issues, the weak and the elderly, those with disability, those caring for children with special needs, the lonely and the fearful. Lord may your presence bring strength, hope and peace. You are our Shepherd.

Almighty God, we pray for those touched by sorrow today, those who mourn the loss of a loved one, those who despair for the suffering, and those who weep in the watches of the night. O Lord have mercy.

We pray for those who fear, gripped by a sense of anxiety, choked by doubt and living in hopelessness, full of unanswered questions. O Lord draw near.

We pray for those who wrestle with their thoughts, who feel abandoned, who are living not just in physical but emotional and spiritual separation. O Lord, remind us of your unfailing love.

In Jesus' name

Gracious God, we pray for those who are struggling emotionally and spiritually, those finding it hard to experience your presence, those who can't see you through the tears and the anguish.

Thank you that even when we are struggling to have a vision of you. You are with us. You have promised to never leave us, and you have said when we seek you we will find you.

Thank you that you enter into our sorrow and pain, you journey with us in our questions and our doubts. Bring comfort strength and hope we pray.

In Jesus' name

Dear heavenly Father, only your transforming grace and a certainty of your love, could've moved King David to thank you for the gift of affliction. How else could he have embraced pain as an occasion of praise? The gospel, literally, turns everything upside down; it's the most counterintuitive force in the world. What a most holy and freeing paradox: suffering as a gift; difficulties as an occasion of delight; hardship as the fuel for hallelujahs