Prayer For Patience And Tolerance

Lord, today I'm really struggling. There are so many things I want. So many plans you have for me that I'm so unsure about. I ask, God, that you give me the patience you desire me to have. I cannot be strong enough on my own. I ask that you provide me with support and strength to wait for the things you have planned. I know, Lord, that you do have plans for me and that things work in your time, not mine. I know that whatever you have planned for me is going to be something amazing. Amen

God be with me today as I spend the day with my daughter. Help me show her love and keep in me a spirit of service and compassion. Holy Mary pray for us, Lord Jesus guide us.

Teach us Lord, to be sweet and gentle in all the events of our lives, in disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of others, in the insincerity of those we trust, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom we rely on.

Let us forget ourselves so that we may enjoy the happiness of others. Let us always hide our little pains and heartaches so that we may be the only one to suffer from them. Amen

Dear Heavenly Father,
You created us.
All of us
You sent your beloved Son to redeem us.
All of us
You sent the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to us.
To comfort all of us.
Please fill our hearts with love, so that there is no room for hate.
Fill our minds with understanding, so that there is no room for fear.
Fill our eyes with wonder so that we may see only uniqueness, and not strangeness.
So that we may love, understand and enjoy our fellow brothers and sisters to your glory.
All this we ask in the name of our heavenly Brother, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Here I am facing a new day. I know that without yielding to your calmness and contentment, I will succumb to frustration and irritation.

I seek your help today.

Make me more aware of my emotions and my attitudes. Remind me that I have control over the attitudes that I choose to present to the world.

Remind me that I can learn to overcome every challenging situation today by putting on the shoes of peace and displaying an even temper.

Remind me to show kindness.

Give me more ability to receive your love and give it away to others today.*

Help me to work hard and do my best. But help me to care more about loving others than I care about getting tasks done.

Lord, I want to grow spiritually this day. I want to be more Christ-like tonight when I go to bed than when I got up this morning.

Today I will focus on developing the fruit of the spirit instead of pleasing myself.

Today I will thank you, Lord, for leading me toward love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Today I will praise you, Lord, and I will celebrate your love for me.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Lord, I miss the way we used to be. It's my fault, I know. I haven't had the patience to rest at your feet and meditate on your Word. I've been too impatient to wait on your will. I've gotten used to making things happen right now instead of waiting on you to guide my steps.

Bring me back to those days when I hungered for your plans. Give me the patience to linger in your presence. Pause my racing thoughts and self-imposed time limits. Thank you for being the only one who can truly take away my urge to do life by myself. Thank you for showing me that putting you first is what's best for me. Amen

Dear Lord, again I ask that You, my glorious Father, may give me the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation, so that I may know You better! I pray for divine understanding so that I can walk in all that You have called me to do and be. I pray that I hold on to what is good and reject every kind of evil; help me understand the things that are right in Your eyes. Amen.

Father, many plans are in my heart, but I pray that Your purpose prevails. Let Your will be done in my life and let the plans that You have released in heaven, be aligned here on earth. I pray that I understand Your purpose for me so that I do not stray from it or forget it. Let my desires become aligned with Your purpose so that I am not conflicted in my lifestyle. This is the prayer of my heart. Amen.